Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Day 202, November 18th, 2013

Shopping Shopping Shopping!! I normally don't get excited about shopping but Christmas is not far away and I'm looking forward to buying Christmas presents for my loved ones.

Mom, Kat, Nikki and I headed towards Steinbach to go to the Stone Creek tack store there. On the way we stopped for breakfast at Humpty's. We had a horrible waitress but at least the food was decent. After that, we went to Stone Creek and didn't find anything overly exciting. I got my dad a gift and found a shirt for Jordan but it was $70.00, so no go.
After Stone Creek we went to Stone Brook Pantry, which is an awesome place. My Mom had never been there before and she ended up finding some cool things. She bought Raspberry yogurt covered pretzels. They were amazing. I wish we had bought more in all reality, they're pretty tasty!! hmm maybe Pan can pick up some?!?! HaHa!

Afterwards, we went to liquidation world in the mall they have there and found some decorations for my mom's wreath and a couple little gifts that I can have on hand incase someone gives something to me, I'm prepared!
Than off to Tim Horton's for a quick coffee or in my case, a smoothie. After the visit with Pan, we headed to Canada West. When we got there, I immediately looked for my bit and it was not there :( Than I went and looked at cowboy boots and I have to say how horribly awful those boots are. I absolutely do  not like square toe boots at all. I think the fashion is terrible and it is not fair to those who do not like them to only have those as an option. They have 3 pairs of extremely pointy boots and than the rest square toe. I'm so disappointed that we have a facility that makes boots in my city and they do not give a variety to the consumer. Just awful.
After Canada West, we headed for home. We dropped off Kat and went back to my house. Brent and Kevin were there so Nikki was able to go home with them. When they left, we had supper and part way through supper we received a phone call. One of our previous boarders/friend passed away. I sat in tears when dad told us as he hung his head and mom covered her face with her hands. Instant gloom, instant saddness, instant silence. My heart is broken and filled with a very heavy feeling.
My thoughts go out to the family. He was incredibly young and such a nice man. We will miss you ♥

Ride on Cowboy, Ride on.
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now I'm found
Was blind but now I see
'Twas grace that tought my heart to feel
and grace my fears relieved
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed
When we've been there, ten thousand years
Bright shining as the sun
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Than we first begun
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost by now I'm found
Was blind but now I see

This picture does not go with how I feel at all but nonetheless it is apart of my day.
I loved that this bottle put a Common Sense Caution on it, more things should say this.

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