Friday 28 February 2014

Day 304, February 28th, 2014

It's FRIDAY and the last day of February. Bye Bye February. I'm a little sad that the time keeps flying by but I'm not sad that we're entering March. Each and every day we're getting closer to Spring and if you're a pessimist, we're also getting closer to next winter BUT us optimists don't want to go that far just quite yet.
I'm looking forward to longer days of sunshine and being able to go outside a little less bundled. Most importantly, I'm looking forward to going outside to play with my horses and taking my camera with me EVERY WHERE I GO!!!!!!!
I'm waiting for my third person to ask for my secret project to get home from her warm destination. I've got two on board and I don't really doubt the third person will say no.. this makes me even more excited for spring and summer to come!
I don't know what this weekend will bring, I just hope no more arguments break out on my fb page! lol

Have a good Friday, enjoy the end of the work week for those that work Monday - Friday!!

Found this amongst the conversation hearts. 

Thursday 27 February 2014

Day 303, February 27th, 2014

Surprise Surprise! There was yet ANOTHER accident at 236 and 6. It looks like someone either didn't stop or they pulled out when they weren't supposed to. I think about 3 or 4 vehicles were involved in this. No RCMP or emergency vehicles were on scene yet but I'm sure they were coming. The van and the f150 looked pretty messed up. I do hope everyone is ok but this is yet another reminder for those who drive 236 to come to a complete stop, make sure that those on hwy 6 are either turning onto 236 or going straight before turning onto hwy 6. I don't know how many times my life has been in jeopardy by people not coming to a complete stop or assuming I'm turning onto 236. So please stop and look both ways before merging into anything.

Have a great Thursday, be safe and stay warm! Oh and I found this article to explain a lot of why we're so miserable lately... or for this whole winter so far.... you can read it here.

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Day 302, February 26th, 2014

Wednesday morning is finally here. Yesterday I kept thinking it was Wednesday so finally I'm on the right day! What a feeling that is. I can't stand it when I'm living on a different day than what I really am. Weird though, I could get into it but I won't.. just too much for my mind this morning.

Today, I have my chiropractor first thing this morning. I'm hoping he gets rid of my headache. I sure am tired from it.
Last night, I didn't think I was going to make it home. My eyes just wanted to close all the way home from work :( Got home, relaxed, worked on Jordan's coasters and went to bed. This morning, I woke up even more tired. I don't get it :( Oh well... I'm hoping Arnold helps me out.

Have a good Wednesday!

And I'm adding these just add pictures to show you the snow drifts on my way home

Day 301, February 25th, 2014

Entering the 300's. I can't believe I'm on the downward slope of finishing this project. Still have a few months left and that's ok with me but it just seems to have gone rather quickly. I remember hitting day 200 and it feeling not too long ago. Time is sure flying by!

This winter has been long, hard, frigid, difficult, testing and unforgiving. We have dealt with longer cold snaps then we've ever dealt with before not to mention a windchill that seems to never go away.
I certainly didn't accomplish what I wanted to this winter, photography wise or horse wise. I'm looking forward to the warmer temperatures and the days where I can wander for hours taking pictures and finding insipiration from anything. These are the days that keep me positive for us to get through the harsh winter. Soon spring will be here.... everyday is another day closer to spring.

Today, I'm hopefully going to line up another person to do a secret project with me, I'm just hoping this second person will agree and than its just one more person to ask! I'm only asking three people to be apart of this project so hopefully all three say yes. If this project goes well, it will be something I offer as a 'photographer'. So here is to crossing fingers!!!

Have a great Tuesday, stay positive and remember, spring will be here soon enough! Keep warm :)

Day 300, February 24th, 2014

Glitter Text Generator
Wow!!! 300 Days already! I'm not sure who is all following this and if no one really is, that's ok. This was a challenge I set out for myself and I really really like this project, even though a lot of my pictures are the same thing but so are my days. So here we are, day 300.
Today is Monday morning and like any other Monday, its get back into the swing of things and try to get the pout off my face that its not the weekend still, lol. 
I am excited today because I'm going to pick up some pictures from Costco that I had printed! As I've been writing about in my blog, I've been doing some editing of pictures. Today, I'm going to pick up those pictures and see how well they look printed up! I got a couple 5x7's made up for Tera as she fell in love with a few.
I'd love to see how some of these look in matte as that's how I'm guessing they would print up on canvas!
Small things like this make me happy. It's something for me, myself, to be proud over and push myself to get better and better.
Have a happy Monday everyone. 

Sunday 23 February 2014

Day 299, February 23rd, 2014

This morning, I woke up to Jordan's alarm and I just couldn't go back to sleep after. I had a lot on my mind and it wasn't nice things. I was angry and I just couldn't shake my thought process. I tried to watch the gold medal came on my laptop but it wouldn't let me and I was in no mood to fight with it so I went into the living room and started watching the game in there. Nice to watch such a strong desire to win from the Canadian men and how they just seemed to get stronger and stronger as the game went on. It was a nice finish to the games as the men won gold.
After the game was over, Jordan and I went and picked up my mom and dad for breakfast and noticed that our road had been plowed. We were all shocked and couldn't believe that on this work to rule order that they're on, they actually plowed on the weekend. So that was a nice surprise.
After breakfast we went to Jordan's place to mom and dad could see his place. Mom has already seen it inside and out, just not at Jordan's. Dad had seen the outside of the house but not the inside, so it was nice for them both to be able to see it.
We than went home and did some chores, visited some more and than Jordan and I had to leave.

I'm not sitting here looking at a couple pictures I took at my place. Tonight, I think will be an early night for myself as I didn't sleep well last night. Hopefully tonight is better.

Have a good Sunday everyone.

Saturday 22 February 2014

Day 298, February 22nd, 2014

What a day!!!! The snow is blowing and all the gravel roads are clogged. Didn't travel a single road today that didn't have drifting issues. Today, Jordan and I watched a guy in a 2 wheel drive truck maneuver himself around a van stuck on the road that Kevin later came and pulled out. Jordan and I watched in hysterics as my neighbour, pickled as a billy goat mind you, followed Kev and blocked Kev from being able to pull out the van. When he tried to turn around, he got stuck, which was even more funny. Than Kev and the van came out and we were able to get through to my parents place.
Jordan and I left my parents place around 5 this evening. We drove through the same clogged up place as we watched Kev pull someone out and my neighbour get stuck and I didn't think we were going to get through. We tried and the drifts stopped us and than we would back up and try again. We had to do this a few times but eventually we got through.

I couldn't imagine if someone had an emergency and needed an ambulance or a firetruck to get to them. It just wouldn't happen.
I found out today that the RM is on a work to rule order. So this means the plows only go out Monday to Friday, no overtime, no evenings and no weekends. This is all because they're not happy with the raise allocation they were given.
So here they are, sitting in their houses while everyone is getting stuck or pulling someone out. What happens Monday morning when most people have to go to work? They call in and lose wages because they can't make it down the roads to get to work?? I don't think so! Get off your ass before the tax payers have your ass fired!

Onto more positive things. Jordan asked my mom to make scones today and she did. This is why we drove to my parents. Not to mention my dad is really hurting and needed help but we also got great scones out of it. Thanks Mom :)

If you're going out tonight, please drive carefully. The roads are getting worse by the minute! 

Friday 21 February 2014

Day 297, February 21st, 2014

Canadian Men's curling resulted in GOLD this morning! That game wasn't even a game at all. Canada smoked Great Britain. I'm happy for the mens but the game wasn't nearly as exciting as the women's.
Canadian Men's hockey advanced to the gold medal round on Sunday. I heard the game is at 6 am though... I'll get up in time to watch who wins.. ahaha!!! Sorry boys, I just love my sleep :)

Today's weather could definitely get better anytime now, its miserable out there and that isn't any fun considering the weekend is almost here :(

I also found out today that Henry's photo has closed near my work! Big freaking pouts there! I loved that location because it was like 3 minutes from my work. Now I'll have to go all the way down kenaston to get to their other location. Inconvenient but still better than going to Don's photo downtown.

Hope everyone has a great Friday! Drive safe and stay warm!

The strawberry one on the left lasted me oh around 14 months :) LOVE EOS!!!!

Day 296, February 20th, 2014

I woke up this morning and got ready quickly so that I could watch as much as the Gold Medal Curling game as I could. I was able to watch about an hours worth before I had to leave for my doctor's appointment. I was completely glued to my phone until my phone errupted with the news that Team Canada and Team Manitoba Won Gold!!! Jennifer Jones finished 2014 Olympics 11-0!!

Now to wait and be glued to the phone/tv/computer for the Women's Hockey Gold Medal game between CANADA and USA!!! Should be a gooder!

Have a great Thursday everyone!!!!

Don't mind the big heap of cardboard that needs to go to the dump... we would burn it but the wind is insane so now it'll go for a dump ride!

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Day 295, February 19th, 2014

I'm so excited! Last night my mom, dad and I sat around my laptop while my dad was on the phone with Jean and than passed the phone onto mom. We have officially booked a FLIGHT to Arizona for my mom to go see Jean in April(this is why we were sitting around my laptop.) I think this is great and wish I could do something like this, especially since the cowgirls with cameras art display is in Arizona starting next week. I think it would be amazing to go see all their photographs and see how they display them. I'd love to see Bev Pettit's photos, she is fantastic!! I passed the message onto Jean, maybe she'll go check it out!

This morning, Jennifer Jones beat Great Britain, so now we're playing for Gold in the Olympics! Woo hoo!!

I'm hoping to get some pep in my step as I'm pretty tired this morning. I've been having some really weird dreams lately and I notice that its taking away from my sleep.

Oh and FYI, don't ever buy the Lysol wipes with hydrogen clean or whatever it is, they smell so bad and give me wicked headaches... I try to get people not to use them at work because of the smell but no one listens so bring on the headache for me. Oy.

Have a good Wednesday peeps!

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Day 294, February 18th, 2014

Its Tuesday morning of the short work week. I've been looking back at some of the edits I did over the course of a couple weekends and I'm pretty pleased. Its a great start at editing and I'm sure it will get better as I get more practice and more skills with it. Editing is something to me that is very tedious and can become quite overwhelming depending on what you're doing. I'm not a huge fan of edits (I think its cheating) but in this world, photographers have no choice but to edit. You could have a fabulous picture and it still wouldn't be enough without edit tweeks here and there. Kind of sad but the way it is.

Today, has been a busy day so far. Looking forward to going home and either going to Jordan's to clean or do some more editing!

Have a great day everyone!

Monday 17 February 2014

Day 293, February 17th, 2014

Happy Birthday Vivian, we've known each other since we were 6/7 years old. Started with a fight in the school yard and ended up being the greatest of friends. I haven't seen you in 9 years but I know that we will always have a special place in our hearts for one another and we'll always have our childhood to remember as the sisters from different misters. Love you.

Happy Birthday to my late aunt who would've been 63 today. Many people miss you and can't fathom what today would've been like if you were still here. Hope you're having a great birthday where you are!

Today was supposed to be a day of putting skirting on the house but Trevor fell ill and it snowed last night making us delayed by waiting for a tractor to clear snow. By the time the snow was clear, Jordan wasn't sure if he would be able to start and finish the skirting so he didn't begin. We'll have to wait until next weekend and hope that the weather is as beautiful as it was today.
We went to Trevor and Lisa's anyways, ate some left over famous daves and visited with Lisa as Trevor was in the basement asleep on the concrete floor, ouch! The Sund household has gathered another family member with Oreo. He is a black and white hamster that they acquired from the bachelor house, lol. Julie has moved out west and has left her hammie behind, so the Sunds have taken Hammie and gave him a new name :) I'm sure the kids will get a kick out of him for a little while, Lisa may not as he's already bit her! hehe.

Hope everyone is having a good family day and or Louis Riel Day.

Day 292, February 16th, 2014

I'm going to play with my horses today! I haven't spent any time with them in the past little while and I miss them. Both of them are very green so its not a great idea to not spend any time with them. Hopefully the weather holds out! Have a good Sunday!

Day 291, February 15th, 2014

I really don't feel like moving cattle today, that's for sure. Seems like a nice day to take a vacuum and some cleaning products to Jordan's home and clean. Oh well, guess I'll take my camera and see what comes of it.

Tonight, we're going to Famous Dave's!! Looking forward to it! Double Date Night!!!

Day 290, February 14th, 2014

Glitter Text Generator
Its Valentine's Day!! Not that I get all caught up in the hype of a commercial holiday or anything but you know what, it is nice to receive things today (doesn't have to be bought things.)
Yes, I agree, you should definitely love those every day and the commercial holiday seems to make those without significant others feel bad but for what?! Go celebrate with your girlfriends or the guys, who cares! Just love one another today and have fun! Today I'm picking up Jordan's heart shaped ice cream cake from Dairy Queen as I do every year. I have no idea what we're doing tonight but my guess is nothing to do with Valentine's, lol. Tomorrow(which I'm super pumped for) Jordan, myself, Trevor and Lisa will be double dating it at Famous Dave's for supper! Looking forward it!!! Eee!!
Have a fantastic Valentine's day and Friday today... remember, someone loves you very much!!! 

Thursday 13 February 2014

Day 289, February 13th, 2014

Last night, I didn't end up going to Jordan's. I stayed home while Kevin and Nikki came over to retrieve their gagillion photos Nikki printed at Costco (I picked them up for her yesterday.)
It was nice to go through pictures as prints not on a computer screen. She had 2144 images printed. We had a good chuckle because she accidentally ordered most of the pictures 3 times. As we were going through the pictures, she handed me some for keeps. A few pictures I just love, especially of Jordan and I and all of us as a family! Those are great pictures.

Today, I need to get decorations for the branch for Valentine's Day tomorrow and than I'll be hiding from the weather out there. Tonight I might make it to Jordan's if he's going.

Have a good Thursday, drive safely!

A member brought this for me from the Philippines, I'm not the only one though, he brought one back for Ashley too! Hers is purple and has a scene carved into it! So cool!!!!

Day 288, February 12th, 2014

Today is going to be a run around day! Still feeling quite miserable in my head with this damn headache of mine.. or mirgraine, whatever the hell it is.
I'm going to see Catherine on my lunch to grab those chairs for the island and than somehow some way pick up Eric Church's new cd.

Can't wait to crawl into bed again. Have a good Wednesday.

Day 287, February 11th, 2014

Miserable is living in my head right now... that is all.

Day 286, February 10th, 2014

Monday morning is here again! Kind of tired after the weekend and my knees are still sore from kneeling on the stool. I needed to kneel on the stool to put the light coverings on the lights in the dining room. The light fixture was a little too tall for me and that was the only thing I could climb on. Oops lol. The house is getting cleaner but I can't wait to bring an actual vacuum and for water to actually wash things down!

I took the shop vac and vacuumed in the corners and around baseboards and anywhere that I could to vacuum up dirt. Do you know how hard it is to vacuum with a shop vac?? Next, I'll bring some glass cleaner so I can wipe down the mirrors, they're filthy!!

Today, Cat is supposed to bring me the stools she found us! I also have chiro at 10:15 and I think this evening is going to be a "put up the feet" kind of evening(if I can.)

Have a great Monday everyone!

The sky was pretty but when I stopped to take a picture, I didn't want to get out of my vehicle, it was freezing outside! So don't mind the slight blur and the hydro pole in the way! :)

Monday 10 February 2014

Day 285, February 9th, 2014

Boys will be boys... creating big snow racers to get pulled behind a truck with... poor Pan biffed it pretty good. Too bad they broke their toy, now they'll have to fix it. Next time, I'll be in the back of the truck instead of trying to shoot pictures between the side of the car and the head rest. 

Have a good Sunday!

PS, couches got moved today!!!!

Sunday 9 February 2014

Day 284, February 8th, 2014

In society today, we're too afraid to say how we really feel in case it hurts someones feelings or ruins a friendship. We never step back and say, "this really hurt/bothered me" or "You really pissed me off by doing this." Why are we so afraid to tell someone how we really feel if we believe the person we're telling is truly a friend?
Have we become such a weak society that we depend on friends to stick by us as long as we don't say the truth? Are we so dependent on people staying close to us that we rather continuously be hurt by them instead of telling them they're hurting you and or pissing you off? Why do we insist on being hurt/pissed off on a regular basis just to have these people in our lives? What kind of people are we becoming?
My dad always says that "if you allow someone to treat you like a doormat, than you are a doormat." If you stick up for yourself and tell people that you are not a doormat, you risk losing that person. When these people are in your life, they're in your life for a reason but if they're walking all over you, than what is the reason they're in your life? If you told someone how you truly felt and they decided to leave your life, than were they really worth it at all? You should be able to tell people that you're not happy without fear of repercussion(within reason of course.) Through the times of growing up, I've always been told that your friends are your friends, regardless of what you do or say. If you're pissed off you should be able to say that you're pissed off without them getting up and leaving on you. So where did this phrase go? Where did this strong will disappear too among society? Why are people so easily offended and run away from good people when confronted?

These are questions I've been asking myself for quite some time and now with recent events happening this week, the questions are very much in my mind and I'm seriously trying to answer them.

I guess I have a lot more thinking to do....

Saturday 8 February 2014

Day 283, February 7th, 2014

Last night was a nice evening. Glenn was over and than Jordan and his mom came over. Janice cut dad's hair and we visited the whole time. It was a nice evening that was laid back and no stress. Which is great.

This morning, I drove to Selkirk and stopped in at the Upper Crust Bakery to get some cinnamon buns and apple cinnamon loaf, mmmmm. After that it was off to the doctor's office. When I got there, I got into a room quite quickly but had to wait about 20 minutes for the doctor to come in. He spent about 5 minutes in the room with me and let me know that he wants an ultrasound and a scope done. He also told me that all my issues could just be who I am. That somehow I just developed this. He says we're really good when we know what's wrong but not so great when we don't. Well Gee, don't I know that?! *sigh* he told me that we're probably not going to figure out what the problem is but we're going to check anyhow. Isn't that what you want to hear when you've been in pain for months? Makes me so sad. I just want to know if something is wrong and if I'm eating something that's hurting me to find out so I can stop. They never figured out what was wrong with my dad and I have a feeling that I'm going to be just like him and live with this for quite some time, if not forever :(

Just makes me sad that this is what you're told when you meet a doctor for the first time. Just disappointing.

Seriously starting to consider going to a naturopath. Maybe they'll know.

Friday 7 February 2014

Day 282, February 6th, 2014

Last night something was brought to my attention and since than I've been thinking about things. Than this morning I was talking to Jordan about it and it got me thinking even more.

What kind of person am I?

Am I a person that people fear? Am I unapproachable? Am I someone to be leery of and not want to be around? Do I create such an aura that people feel uncomfortable around me? Do I really make people worry that they'll get in my bad books?

What do I do(or did) to cause this? Why do people feel that if they do something that I don't like that I'm going to tear them a new one? What is it about me that people are so afraid of?

It actually hurts very much to think that everyone thinks I'm going to be mad and do something so they hide it instead?

In my short little life, I have had a lot of ups and downs with friends. I have lost friends for no apparent reason, just one day told that they didn't want to be my friend anymore. I was bullied and forever left out of things. As an adult, I feel that if you're my friend you're my friend and if you don't want to be my friend, get lost. I don't have the emotional energy, the brain space nor the time to deal with people who can't be bothered to be good to me.

With all the damage that happened to me in my childhood, trust is not a word I throw around lightly. So forgive me if I doubt you or think twice about you say and give you my two cents. Sometimes its just defensive reactions as for some reason, I'm always told I'm wrong. When I feel strongly about something or know I'm right, I'm like a dog with a bone. If this is what makes me so scary, than I guess I'll forever be the one no one discusses things with.

 I still get hurt when I'm left out and I get real upset when people "forget" about me. Its very hard for me to be the one that is last thought about and than told, we were afraid you'd be mad so we just didn't tell you, sorry. Well gee, thanks! Nice to know that people are scared of me and how I will be but have no idea why I get upset or why I react the way I do. If people constantly left you out or "forgot" about you, how would you feel when approached? You'd be hurt too and you would be defensive.

I don't think anyone really takes the time to truly understand why people are the way they are. If people would stop and look, they'd see that they have no reason to be afraid of me. They would see that all I want to do is be included in things, to not be left out and to have people feel like they've missed me. Not forgot about me. That I'm important too.

I was once told by someone very close to me that he never got the chance to miss me and that's why he doesn't have this big reaction when he sees me. I disappeared for about 3 to 4 weeks from seeing them and when I saw them, he still didn't miss me yet he won't see someone else for a week and he misses them. That statement right than and there made me feel insignificant to him. Made me feel like what I thought was great was not. Someone has replaced me and it hurts. When I see them now, I just don't have the same feeling anymore because I feel as though they'll never notice how it hurt me.

I understand that everyone wants to feel important. Everyone wants to have that feeling that they're cared for and that someone is always going to miss them. They also want to feel that someone cares for them more than someone else as this seals the deal on friendships, love, partnership, etc. I just don't know why it always has to be at the expense of someone elses feelings.

Definitely something to think about... Who am I.. and what am I to others....

Thursday 6 February 2014

Day 281, February 5th, 2014

Wow, I am truly truly exhausted this morning. I don't really know how I'm going to recover from this :( I just want to crawl in bed and not get out for a day or two.

Hope everyone has a good Wednesday! Hopefully I'll get some good sleep tonight!

putting together a package for someone :)

Day 280, February 4th, 2014

Wow, yesterday pooped me right out. We were really busy at work and than after work, I went home for a bit than off to Jordan's to do a walk through on the house.
Yesterday, when I called Steve, he said that we were going to have to schedule a walk through right now and than they'll have to come back when the water is hooked up. He says you can't blame me for being skeptical and I don't. I do want this situation fixed and I don't want to pay for it to be fixed so a walk through would be great. This is why I did a write down walk through last night. Jordan felt I was being picky but I was told to be, so I was.
Somethings are minor and if they don't get fixed, oh well. Such as gaps in the window trips, we can fix that. In my opinion, we shouldn't have to though and that's why I'm being picky.
We put lights in above the bathtub and Jordan put the mirrors in. Oh my do they need a cleaning!
We also found out that the TV will NOT fit in the entertainment unit as its too wide, diagonally it would be fine but very very tight. I'm not sure what's going to happen. Jordan says his parents will more than likely get the TV but it is HUGE for their living room, so we shall see.
Jordan moved in some stuff and its just making me excited. Soon enough, his house will be a home and I can't wait for that.

Hope everyone has a good day. I wish I were at home to see my wonderful nieces today!

new try outs

Day 279, February 3rd, 2014

This morning has started off good. I was able to get a bite to eat with Jordan this morning before leaving for work. I text him this morning to see what the house temperature was at and it was at 10, what we had set it as. He said he increased the temp a bit so that it was a little warmer in there.
I really hope the conversation with Steve goes well today as I'd like to get all of this sorted and finished so that we can run the home normal and not temporary!

Will post how the conversation goes later :)

Have a good Monday!

Monday 3 February 2014

Day 278, February 2nd, 2014

Exciting exciting day today! Jordan and I are at the house and we're cleaning up a bit. We removed the skirting, fascia, siding, corner covers, skirt slides and shingles from the living room and moved it to the horse trailer for now. Nothing that belongs to the outside of the house, is in the inside of the house.
We had to get Graham to come and check the furnace out because we couldn't get it going. So he came and looked at it and wasn't able to figure it out but he was able to figure out why we couldn't get the master bath lights on. Wires were crossed and it was drawing too much power so it would blow the breaker. At least we have that fixed now but what about the furnace?! I know I'd really like heat in there.
I ended up calling Darryl and he came down. Apparently the furnace isn't wired properly. He made it work but its all temporary and now I need to call Steve to tell him the issues and find out who the heck is paying for all of this. Darryl says it needs to be gone through thoroughly and made sure that the HVAC is wired correctly as we had an issue with this too.
I'm not MAD but frustrated. When you buy a brand new home, you should be able to flip the breakers and everything work properly. Not have to dicker around with things.
After Darryl left, I had a fun time in the cold house by myself. I could tell it was getting warmer and warmer in there and it was making me pretty giddy.
I went and picked up Jordan after he was done milking and he brought a stereo so now we have music in there :)
So excited for tomorrow as Myles is supposed to start on the garage! Eeee!!! This is FINALLY happening!!! Big smiles from this girl here!!!

Saturday 1 February 2014

Day 277, February 1st, 2014

Happy Birthday to my dear friend Katie! I hope you have a wonderful day!!

Last night, Jordan, Trevor and myself went to Jordan's house. We started putting light bulbs into their fixtures and than Trevor and Jordan played with breakers. Well the first light on in the place was the clock to the microwave, hence the picture from yesterday! I was pretty excited to see the lights come on and than the more they played, the more lights came on! What an exciting time to see his place lit up for the first time! We've been waiting for this moment for so long and it has finally come around! I'll be even more excited when the place is warm as its still really really cold in there!

Today, I visited with Nikki for the afternoon and watched Reba while the boys went and cut wood. It was nice to see her as we haven't seen each other in awhile. Troy was also over with his pup Aussie that is off of Zoey and Jake. So cute :) He looks like a piglet and I think that's what I like most about him!

Now I'm getting ready to go out for the evening and hope my makeup doesn't make me look like a clown as Jordan's lighting isn't great in his bedroom!

Have a great Saturday evening!!

Day 276, January 31st, 2014

Wow! Last day of January. I really think this month flew right on by. The cold was definitely hard but like I keep telling myself, thanks to that lovely member, one day closer to spring!
With it being the last day in January, we have the first month of the new year under our belt and to some people that's a good thing. I know it hasn't been great for a lot of people, transmissions going in vehicles, backs getting thrown out, horses passing away, that sort of thing. Its hard to remain positive when this happens so early in the year but we also have to remember that we have 11 months left of the year to make it better, so keep on keeping on.

Last night, I put a new scent into my scentsy and it smells wonderful. I cracked open a new block of Christmas Cottage, which makes my room smell like cinnamon hearts :) I tell you, that's a lovely smell. The scent is not over bearing by any means and gives you that nice warm feeling when you walk into the room. Definitely pleased with this scent

Along with that scent and its loveliness, I found out that my friend Maike is going to be sending me an Owl that you can heat up in the microwave to keep you warm. She's sending this to me all the way from Germany. I'm very much looking forward to it as they are quite adorable. Such a nice gesture of Maike too. Pretty excited! :)

I have my friend Cat in mind today, *hugs* to you. I hope you all have a great day...

Day 275, January 30th, 2014

Yesterday I wrote about how I was in a slump. On the way home, I was able to capture a photo of the last bit of the sunset(of course with my cell phone not thinking about my point and shoot, argh!) I was amazed that I was still able to see that much around 6:20pm. The sky was much brighter than what the picture captured but the positive side of the sunset is that the days are getting longer. This is great news to us Manitobans as we are definitely sick of winter. We're in the last two days of January, including today, and we still have a few more months to go. I'm hoping the weather straightens out a bit and gets a little nicer so we can all cope with this wicked weather we've been having. It would be nice to be able to enjoy some of winter instead of hiding inside all the time.

Hope you have a good Thursday.

PS. Jordan's electrical passed today, soon hydro will be hooked up.