Oooh playing with my new phone today (which took forever to get mind you) and updating my blog and seeing about ordering more Christmas presents! Hope everyone has a great Saturday! Looking forward to seeing Trent and Val tonight and was excited to see Keen this morning!! :):)
Objects of my Affection Links
Saturday, 30 November 2013
Day 213, November 29th, 2013
I'm very excited about this morning! I was able to get several things accomplished first thing this morning and one of those things was to be able to go outside and take some pictures of the horses amongst the snow. They seemed quite grumpy but friendly at the same time, especially Sampson and Hot Rod(who we've yet to name and have a feeling that name is going to stick.) I was able to snap a few pictures of Poncho, which I'm really excited about because I plan on putting some pictures in random peoples Christmas Cards this year and the pictures I got of Poncho will be great!! I'll be going through those photos later this evening!! :):):)
Day 212, November 28th, 2013
The snow is pretty today, even though we definitely had enough of it yesterday, today is a day I'd like to dress up and go outside with my camera and just take pictures and take pictures and take pictures! Its SO pretty outside!!! The snow is falling slowly and all the snow that fell yesterday is all over the trees and it would be so gorgeous to be out there today but I'm stuck at work :( Maybe some of the prettiness will carry over into the weekend! Here's to hoping for some great pictures this weekend!
Happy Thirsty Thursday!!!
Happy Thirsty Thursday!!!
Day 211, November 27th, 2013
Blah, its a snow day.. literally, its been snowing all day. People keep coming into my work saying how crazy it is out there and how much snow has accumulated and what not. This doesn't make me excited to go home but I'm sure it will be fine.
On a side note, I'm still so so so incredibly thirsty!
On a side note, I'm still so so so incredibly thirsty!
Day 210, November 26th, 2013
So its finally Tuesday, that means that I'm heading off to Selkirk today to get my ct done on my abdomen. Maybe this will reveil as to why I feel as poorly as I do. It would be so nice to finally have answers and get to the bottom of things.
Jordan goes to the lawyers and to the bank today which will determine when the house comes and what not. I'm starting to not feel as excited as I once was because waiting forever kind of takes the winds out of your sails type deal. Just want it over and done with and I have a feeling that they will be delivering on Friday and I won't be able to witness it as I won't be able to get friday off and that depresses me. Jordan doesn't get it but oh well. Guess I'll just have to take it as it is.
Here's to *crossing fingers*
Jordan goes to the lawyers and to the bank today which will determine when the house comes and what not. I'm starting to not feel as excited as I once was because waiting forever kind of takes the winds out of your sails type deal. Just want it over and done with and I have a feeling that they will be delivering on Friday and I won't be able to witness it as I won't be able to get friday off and that depresses me. Jordan doesn't get it but oh well. Guess I'll just have to take it as it is.
Here's to *crossing fingers*
The nurse missed with my IV twice and once being in the wrist, that is very painful actually, I could hardly move my hand for quite a few hours after, must've disturbed a nerve too. Finally, on the third try and a new more experienced nurse, she finally got it but it hurt too because it was right near the first failed poke so yes, I had an interesting time getting my IV and getting my injections! Apparently I'm a tough one to find a vein and I could've told you that, they always fight to get blood from me :(
Day 209, November 25th, 2013
Monday morning, you have thrown a curve ball at me. Those icy roads and the new BS Centreport way thinger, oy! You made it for a slippery drive this morning! Hopefully today will end up being a good day. I didn't sleep well so it could be a long one. This morning, they will lay our friend Emile to rest. I wish I could make it to the funeral but since I have my doctors appointment tomorrow and with the house hopefully coming this week, I was unable to take off the time. So Ride on Cowboy, may you always rest in peace and remember that people care very much for you.
On a side note, our friends had their baby today!! Congratulations to the both of you!! It was only a little while ago that I shot your maternity photos!! Can't wait to meet the little one!!!
Happy Monday peoples!!
On a side note, our friends had their baby today!! Congratulations to the both of you!! It was only a little while ago that I shot your maternity photos!! Can't wait to meet the little one!!!
Happy Monday peoples!!
An unfinished wreath that would be my mom's, not sure if I'm satisfied yet!
Day 208, November 24th, 2013
Its nice to think you're having a good day and enjoying company when later you're told that something that was meant to be a joke turns around and bites you in the ass. You find out later that it was never taken as an offense and that they never heard the joke but to shake the feeling of how you could've made someone mad, sucks. Hopefully I start to feel better soon and don't ruin the evening..
Saturday, 23 November 2013
Day 207, November 23rd, 2013
Jordan took me out for breakfast to the Rock this morning, what a nice surprise! I can not remember the last time we went out for breakfast, its probably been almost a year since we've been out! After that, we did some light shopping as we had to go to the bank, home hardware and big block. Off to my place for a visit where we found out that Trent and Val got engaged!!! So excited for them!!
Now we're at his place and I started some of my crafting while listening to Christmas carols and now updating my blog and my facebook part of my blog!
Have a happy Saturday everyone!
Now we're at his place and I started some of my crafting while listening to Christmas carols and now updating my blog and my facebook part of my blog!
Have a happy Saturday everyone!
Friday, 22 November 2013
Day 206, November 22nd, 2013
Well, I just got a call from my doctor's office. They want me to go for a CT on Tuesday. Yes, I'm freaking out a little bit but I'm trying to calm myself down.
I'm just hoping all of this comes to a conclusion and can get me healthy again!
Beauty, exactly what is it? Is it perfection? Is it the flaws that attract our eyes? Why do we look at ourselves and pick out what we think is horrible and think someone else will think its horrible too?
I have some kind of black mark on my nose that wasn't on my nose when I looked in the mirrow so I'm not quite sure what that is. I have a skin tag thing that I'm too scared to have removed because I had some removed and they left scars, so as ugly as people might think it is, I'd rather have it than a scar. I hate my pores, I hate that I have a blemish close to the tag BUT if I hadn't pointed those things out, would everyone notice? Would people just look and see my eye? Why do we torture ourselves with these things? Why do we let ourselves believe that our own imperfections make us ugly when really they can give us character? Why even as I write this, feel I shouldn't post this photo of myself because people might think its ugly? Here's to trying something different.
I'm just hoping all of this comes to a conclusion and can get me healthy again!
Beauty, exactly what is it? Is it perfection? Is it the flaws that attract our eyes? Why do we look at ourselves and pick out what we think is horrible and think someone else will think its horrible too?
I have some kind of black mark on my nose that wasn't on my nose when I looked in the mirrow so I'm not quite sure what that is. I have a skin tag thing that I'm too scared to have removed because I had some removed and they left scars, so as ugly as people might think it is, I'd rather have it than a scar. I hate my pores, I hate that I have a blemish close to the tag BUT if I hadn't pointed those things out, would everyone notice? Would people just look and see my eye? Why do we torture ourselves with these things? Why do we let ourselves believe that our own imperfections make us ugly when really they can give us character? Why even as I write this, feel I shouldn't post this photo of myself because people might think its ugly? Here's to trying something different.
Unofficial photo of the day
Its all for Charity
Day 205, November 21st, 2013
Well its Thursday of my short work week and I always find that short work weeks go by rather slowly. Nothing about the week speeds up or makes it more exciting by any means. The only thing that would make this week more exciting if some good news would finally come our way.. for anything.
Last night, I wasn't able to do anymore crafty stuff as Jordan was over and so was Kevin. So that eliminated anything productive, which is really ok. I don't mind that Jordan distracts me!
I'm also on the hunt for Christmas presents! Wish my brother would send me his list so that I could start figuring out what to get the girls!!
Anyhow, enjoy your Thursday peeps!!
So this is my latest creation.. I like it, it'll look better when its not taken with flash though. And yes, that is my towel hanging there... LOL :)
Last night, I wasn't able to do anymore crafty stuff as Jordan was over and so was Kevin. So that eliminated anything productive, which is really ok. I don't mind that Jordan distracts me!
I'm also on the hunt for Christmas presents! Wish my brother would send me his list so that I could start figuring out what to get the girls!!
Anyhow, enjoy your Thursday peeps!!
So this is my latest creation.. I like it, it'll look better when its not taken with flash though. And yes, that is my towel hanging there... LOL :)
Thursday, 21 November 2013
Day 204, November 20th, 2013
I didn't say goodbye. Its too hard and I just couldn't look at them. I think about them and my eyes well up. How could people bring us to this decision? My poor little heart is feeling all the pain all the pressure.
I'm sorry for not saying goodbye, I just couldn't face you, couldn't face the guilt....
I'm sorry for not saying goodbye, I just couldn't face you, couldn't face the guilt....
Lame picture I know, especially for the thing I just wrote above but it made me laugh and that's why I'm putting it in here. We just received a whole whack of flyers in the mail and in the mail was this catalogue that has all of these ridiculous things, this being one of them. You can't see the whole picture but its for when you need a nap. It covers your eyes and has holes in the top of it so that you can put your head down and your hands in it to keep warm and what not. What a crazy thing, ridiculous item to have AND its $99.99!!!! WOW! I wish I could make up something this dumb!
Wednesday, 20 November 2013
Day 203, November 19th, 2013
Back at work today, feeling glum and not feeling the greatest but such is life. Work wasn't bad but not something that I was really up for doing.
Jordan heard from the lawyer and the papers are ready to sign but now grampa is saying he's busy. I'm so frustrated with people right now. Nothing can ever go smoothly and I know I'm sounding all downer debbie right now but I just want something ANYTHING to go right.
On a good note though, Kevin induced the brindle and she finally had her baby. He's pretty neat looking. Will take more pictures when he's dry.
Jordan heard from the lawyer and the papers are ready to sign but now grampa is saying he's busy. I'm so frustrated with people right now. Nothing can ever go smoothly and I know I'm sounding all downer debbie right now but I just want something ANYTHING to go right.
On a good note though, Kevin induced the brindle and she finally had her baby. He's pretty neat looking. Will take more pictures when he's dry.
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
Day 202, November 18th, 2013
Shopping Shopping Shopping!! I normally don't get excited about shopping but Christmas is not far away and I'm looking forward to buying Christmas presents for my loved ones.
Mom, Kat, Nikki and I headed towards Steinbach to go to the Stone Creek tack store there. On the way we stopped for breakfast at Humpty's. We had a horrible waitress but at least the food was decent. After that, we went to Stone Creek and didn't find anything overly exciting. I got my dad a gift and found a shirt for Jordan but it was $70.00, so no go.
After Stone Creek we went to Stone Brook Pantry, which is an awesome place. My Mom had never been there before and she ended up finding some cool things. She bought Raspberry yogurt covered pretzels. They were amazing. I wish we had bought more in all reality, they're pretty tasty!! hmm maybe Pan can pick up some?!?! HaHa!
Afterwards, we went to liquidation world in the mall they have there and found some decorations for my mom's wreath and a couple little gifts that I can have on hand incase someone gives something to me, I'm prepared!
Than off to Tim Horton's for a quick coffee or in my case, a smoothie. After the visit with Pan, we headed to Canada West. When we got there, I immediately looked for my bit and it was not there :( Than I went and looked at cowboy boots and I have to say how horribly awful those boots are. I absolutely do not like square toe boots at all. I think the fashion is terrible and it is not fair to those who do not like them to only have those as an option. They have 3 pairs of extremely pointy boots and than the rest square toe. I'm so disappointed that we have a facility that makes boots in my city and they do not give a variety to the consumer. Just awful.
After Canada West, we headed for home. We dropped off Kat and went back to my house. Brent and Kevin were there so Nikki was able to go home with them. When they left, we had supper and part way through supper we received a phone call. One of our previous boarders/friend passed away. I sat in tears when dad told us as he hung his head and mom covered her face with her hands. Instant gloom, instant saddness, instant silence. My heart is broken and filled with a very heavy feeling.
My thoughts go out to the family. He was incredibly young and such a nice man. We will miss you ♥
This picture does not go with how I feel at all but nonetheless it is apart of my day.
Mom, Kat, Nikki and I headed towards Steinbach to go to the Stone Creek tack store there. On the way we stopped for breakfast at Humpty's. We had a horrible waitress but at least the food was decent. After that, we went to Stone Creek and didn't find anything overly exciting. I got my dad a gift and found a shirt for Jordan but it was $70.00, so no go.
After Stone Creek we went to Stone Brook Pantry, which is an awesome place. My Mom had never been there before and she ended up finding some cool things. She bought Raspberry yogurt covered pretzels. They were amazing. I wish we had bought more in all reality, they're pretty tasty!! hmm maybe Pan can pick up some?!?! HaHa!
Afterwards, we went to liquidation world in the mall they have there and found some decorations for my mom's wreath and a couple little gifts that I can have on hand incase someone gives something to me, I'm prepared!
Than off to Tim Horton's for a quick coffee or in my case, a smoothie. After the visit with Pan, we headed to Canada West. When we got there, I immediately looked for my bit and it was not there :( Than I went and looked at cowboy boots and I have to say how horribly awful those boots are. I absolutely do not like square toe boots at all. I think the fashion is terrible and it is not fair to those who do not like them to only have those as an option. They have 3 pairs of extremely pointy boots and than the rest square toe. I'm so disappointed that we have a facility that makes boots in my city and they do not give a variety to the consumer. Just awful.
After Canada West, we headed for home. We dropped off Kat and went back to my house. Brent and Kevin were there so Nikki was able to go home with them. When they left, we had supper and part way through supper we received a phone call. One of our previous boarders/friend passed away. I sat in tears when dad told us as he hung his head and mom covered her face with her hands. Instant gloom, instant saddness, instant silence. My heart is broken and filled with a very heavy feeling.
My thoughts go out to the family. He was incredibly young and such a nice man. We will miss you ♥
Ride on Cowboy, Ride on.
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now I'm found
Was blind but now I see
'Twas grace that tought my heart to feel
and grace my fears relieved
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed
When we've been there, ten thousand years
Bright shining as the sun
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Than we first begun
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost by now I'm found
Was blind but now I see
This picture does not go with how I feel at all but nonetheless it is apart of my day.
I loved that this bottle put a Common Sense Caution on it, more things should say this.
Sunday, 17 November 2013
Day 201, November 17th, 2013
Sooooo it snowed a lot last night which is a major bummer. Jordan and I have a lot of fence work to do and this snow isn't helping anything. We also partially uncovered the pad to use the tarp for the garage floor so now we have even more snow on the pad for the house, which Jordan is not happy about either. With this snow, we now have even more work to do and we really need the lawyers/land titles to get off their asses so we can get Jordan's house in. He's starting to worry about it not being able to come in and I'm worried that he's starting to not feel positive about it. That's not normally Jordan. I think it will work out but we all have our tinges of feeling a little doubtful about the situation.
With the amount of snow we got, I was sure happy I brought my bibs and winter boots to Jordan's place. Having those really helped me out while trying to finish some braces for the fence. I would've been a frozen useless popsicle if I hadn't. Hoping that some of the snow goes, I don't think it will all go though. Welcome to winter everyone.
With the amount of snow we got, I was sure happy I brought my bibs and winter boots to Jordan's place. Having those really helped me out while trying to finish some braces for the fence. I would've been a frozen useless popsicle if I hadn't. Hoping that some of the snow goes, I don't think it will all go though. Welcome to winter everyone.
Day 200, November 16th, 2013
I can't believe its Day 200 already and I don't have a very good picture to show for it.
Today was not exciting, I was rather miserable and uncomfortable. The weather was also miserable and I didn't have any camera's with me other than my phone (which I've used a lot lately) but with it being cold outside, my battery dies almost instantly if I use my phone in the cold, so I didn't get any cool pictures. What we did do today was get our hay from Jordan's cousins place and move that to his yard. We also secured some more hay so we should have enough for the winter, providing that its not a long winter. I'm pretty excited for everything though but with the way I've been feeling, excitement doesn't show much on my face. Now, to warm up my toes as they're freezing from this random storm.Day 199, November 15th, 2013
Wow, what a whirl wind of a day. First, I went to Stonewall to the doctors. I couldn't find my B12 so I'm still in search of that. Next, I talk to my doctor about my stomach issues. Proceed to have my abdomen checked and she presses on something and it hurts. She proceeds to press else where and goes back to the spot that hurts. She asks me if that spot hurts and I say yes. She says, you have a lump there. So off to x-rays I go. Hours later(would've been faster but someone got into a car accident) I get my x-rays and blood work done and I'm off to Jordan's place.
When I'm approaching his road, I can see the cement truck in his driveway!! I get all excited only to find out that they're still working on the heating tubes for the in floor heat as they're behind because someone messed up the forms the day before.
Waiting for everything to happen was very cold but very cool!! Late late night it will be!!
oh and for those that may ask if I'm concerned or worried, I will tell you that I'm concerned. I'm not worried. I can't worry until I know if its something to worry about. The only thing I keep thinking is that they solve my issues so that I can get back to losing weight and eating salads.. man I miss eating salads!!
When I'm approaching his road, I can see the cement truck in his driveway!! I get all excited only to find out that they're still working on the heating tubes for the in floor heat as they're behind because someone messed up the forms the day before.
Waiting for everything to happen was very cold but very cool!! Late late night it will be!!
oh and for those that may ask if I'm concerned or worried, I will tell you that I'm concerned. I'm not worried. I can't worry until I know if its something to worry about. The only thing I keep thinking is that they solve my issues so that I can get back to losing weight and eating salads.. man I miss eating salads!!
Day 198, November 14th, 2013
Woot!! Today is my Friday as I have tomorrow off AND Monday!! Yippeee!!
Last night, I did another wreath and my mom is in LOVE with them! She really thinks that I could sell them. She has decided to take them to work and see if she can get orders for me to make some and make some money. I wouldn't be making much money off of them but I think they're pretty :)
I don't want to sell the two I've already made as I'm pretty sure they're Christmas gifts(as originally intended).
My thoughts are going out to the family of Paul Hueging today as they celebrate his life and cherish the memories that they will always have of him. He passed away too young from an unfortunate accident.
Last night, I did another wreath and my mom is in LOVE with them! She really thinks that I could sell them. She has decided to take them to work and see if she can get orders for me to make some and make some money. I wouldn't be making much money off of them but I think they're pretty :)
I don't want to sell the two I've already made as I'm pretty sure they're Christmas gifts(as originally intended).
My thoughts are going out to the family of Paul Hueging today as they celebrate his life and cherish the memories that they will always have of him. He passed away too young from an unfortunate accident.
Day 197, November 13th, 2013
Well, like my post yesterday, I'm feeling awful today too. I've lost weight on the scale but my jeans are tight and they were NOT tight on Monday. Something is going on and I'm not happy. What do I do?? I'm so tired of this! :(:(:(
On a good note, yesterday, Jordan's hydro poles were put in and today they're doing the pad for the garage in hopes that tomorrow they will pour the concrete!! :)
On a good note, yesterday, Jordan's hydro poles were put in and today they're doing the pad for the garage in hopes that tomorrow they will pour the concrete!! :)
Day 196, November 12th, 2013
I think I'd rather be at work than be home feeling the way I do. It started around 10am yesterday and got really bad around 9pm that night. It has continued over into today and I'm stuck, in bed, not far from a washroom. My stomach hates me and this proves to me that something with my system is just not right. I'm feeling ill all the time, can't eat proper foods and feel bloated constantly. I'm so discouraged from trying to lose weight that I'm just trying to maintain the weight I'm at now. So disappointing. If the house doesn't come Friday, I'm going to be having another discussion with my doctor. I can't keep feeling this way :(
Day 194, November 10th, 2013
It's FREAKING cold out today and Jordan is asking me to help him with fence. He's boiling and I'm almost in tears I'm so cold! That wind cuts you like a knife!! UGH!! Sorry Jordan, I'm wimping out on you and sitting in the truck while you pound posts!
Darn you approaching winter!!
Darn you approaching winter!!
This ant hill is huge! It stands over my knees and about 3 feet in diameter!! Yikes!
Day 193, November 9th, 2013
Vet Day today!! All in all, I think the morning went relatively ok. Only one open mare so that's a bonus but not a bonus.
I had the vet look at my Justice. He cut her open and finally was able to retrieve the nastiness that was inside her that was causing constant infection. She's doing way better now. I'm glad she's finally on the road to recovery. A long time of her being infected and penicillin not doing anything.
After all that, Jordan and I went to Coop to get some fencing supplies and than home for supper and me working on pictures!
That night, we headed to Lisa and Trevors to celebrate Lisa's birthday! Mmm ice cream cake, taco dip and little wienies!!!
I had the vet look at my Justice. He cut her open and finally was able to retrieve the nastiness that was inside her that was causing constant infection. She's doing way better now. I'm glad she's finally on the road to recovery. A long time of her being infected and penicillin not doing anything.
After all that, Jordan and I went to Coop to get some fencing supplies and than home for supper and me working on pictures!
That night, we headed to Lisa and Trevors to celebrate Lisa's birthday! Mmm ice cream cake, taco dip and little wienies!!!
Thank you Lisa for the neck wrap!! Can't wait to use it!!!
Day 192, November 8th, 2013
Its Friday!!! Its also a pretty cool Friday because I was able to pick up Kevin's birthday present at the post office today (yes, we're over a month late but it took that long to get them!!) and I'm pretty excited over it. I don't know how much he's going to like them because he said he didn't care for the swivel in the middle but I didn't get a chance to view them before purchase so they were very much a surprise for me to see what they looked like. I like them so I really hope he does!
Last night, went to Mr. Perogie for supper and than to the Woodlands Hall to drop off the PAC quiz night donation and than off to home to make my chunky chicken salsa chili for today's United Way potluck fundraiser. Wow some good tonque twisters in there!!!
Hope everyone has a great Friday!!!
Day 191, November 7th, 2013
All I can say, is that I'm freaking cranky today. I do not like being harassed for ANYTHING and peer pressure really pisses me off so I'm cranky, angry even.
Not pleased, not one bit.
Not pleased, not one bit.
Day 190, November 6th, 2013
Happy Hump Day!! It's Wednesday morning and its a fairly decent day outside!
Not too tired after the concert last night, which I enjoyed it very much just didn't sing or dance very much. As per usual with the venue, the seats are tight and me not being a small girl always tends to find people like me to sit beside, so you're crammed right in there. Oh well, still enjoyed my evening out with the girls :)
Today, I ran into Jordan while in Stonewall so we had a chat and snuck a few kisses in there, shhh. Hopefully everything works out with the lawyer and landtitles this week to have the house in for next week!
Oh, I also heard from Nikki, her pup Zoey had her pups today. Poor thing but accidents do happen so hopefully she looks after them and they're ok to give away when they're older :) Might try and sneak a peek at them tonight!
oooh I also turned on my laptop this morning! Can't wait to play with my new shiny toy when I get home!!! So exciting!!!!!
Not too tired after the concert last night, which I enjoyed it very much just didn't sing or dance very much. As per usual with the venue, the seats are tight and me not being a small girl always tends to find people like me to sit beside, so you're crammed right in there. Oh well, still enjoyed my evening out with the girls :)
Today, I ran into Jordan while in Stonewall so we had a chat and snuck a few kisses in there, shhh. Hopefully everything works out with the lawyer and landtitles this week to have the house in for next week!
Oh, I also heard from Nikki, her pup Zoey had her pups today. Poor thing but accidents do happen so hopefully she looks after them and they're ok to give away when they're older :) Might try and sneak a peek at them tonight!
oooh I also turned on my laptop this morning! Can't wait to play with my new shiny toy when I get home!!! So exciting!!!!!
Day 189, November 5th, 2013
Dixie Chicks Day! Kat, Tera, Nikki and myself are heading to the MTS Centre tonight to enjoy an evening filled with the Chicks. Should be a fun time for us girls. Not everyday that we're able to do something like this with one another.
I'm also buying my laptop today!! Eeeee!!! So excited! Next will come a wireless router so that I can update my blog and my facebook profiles more frequent and produce pictures at a more efficient rate than right now. Right now I have to fight for the computer. My brothers laptop has been great but its definitely tired and I do need to give it back, I've had it long enough! So after today, I'll be able to do all my own things!!
Anyone know where I can get a good inexpensive router??
I'm also buying my laptop today!! Eeeee!!! So excited! Next will come a wireless router so that I can update my blog and my facebook profiles more frequent and produce pictures at a more efficient rate than right now. Right now I have to fight for the computer. My brothers laptop has been great but its definitely tired and I do need to give it back, I've had it long enough! So after today, I'll be able to do all my own things!!
Anyone know where I can get a good inexpensive router??
Day 188, November 4th, 2013
Monday, back to the grind. More tired this morning than I was on Friday. Just work work work all weekend. Plus I have a feeling I'm getting sick :( That's a major downer.
Jordan talked to the house guy today and if the paperwork goes through this week, we'll have his house next week!!! EEEEEEEE!!!
*crosses fingers* here's to hoping all the paperwork goes through this week!!
Jordan talked to the house guy today and if the paperwork goes through this week, we'll have his house next week!!! EEEEEEEE!!!
*crosses fingers* here's to hoping all the paperwork goes through this week!!
Wednesday, 13 November 2013
Day 187, November 3rd, 2013
Well, the photo shoot went well. The Sun was great to be out but it made for some squinty faces. With practice, I'll be able to figure out how to get people not to squint. I took lots of pictures, 662 to be exact for the ENTIRE day not just the photo shoot. I'd say they have well over 100 pictures to choose from, which could be difficult ;)
Had a good evening, had some good news and am looking forward to sharing that I'm looking forward to sharing in the future. I than went to Trev and Lisa's and home to Jordan's to bed.
Today, was build fence day. Kevin, Troy and Dad came to help us and than Scott joined up with us after to see how things were going. We were able to complete the north and east fence, so now the south and west fence and we'll be up and running!! So very very excited!!
Jordan also got the certificate for his land approval on Friday so now its arranging time with Grampa to go to the lawyers to get everything signed. After that it'll be going to the bank and than HOUSE time!!! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!
Thank you to all those who helped today!!
Had a good evening, had some good news and am looking forward to sharing that I'm looking forward to sharing in the future. I than went to Trev and Lisa's and home to Jordan's to bed.
Today, was build fence day. Kevin, Troy and Dad came to help us and than Scott joined up with us after to see how things were going. We were able to complete the north and east fence, so now the south and west fence and we'll be up and running!! So very very excited!!
Jordan also got the certificate for his land approval on Friday so now its arranging time with Grampa to go to the lawyers to get everything signed. After that it'll be going to the bank and than HOUSE time!!! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!
Thank you to all those who helped today!!
Sunday, 10 November 2013
Day 186, November 2nd, 2013
Oh Saturday I'm so happy you're here but I do know that you'll go by quickly. Very busy day for me. Hauling hay all day long and than a family photo shoot at 2. Who knows what's in store for the evening. Hopefully today goes smoothly!!
Day 185, November 1st, 2013
Wow!!! November already! Time keeps flying by I don't know what to do with myself! Its shocking how quickly the time has been going by, I'm even at 187 days!!
Speaking of which, I was looking at another 365 day project and I definitely have to say, this guys project was by far out of my league. His pictures are amazing and I'm looking at them going, I don't know if I can ever reach that amount of talent. His pictures had style and effort. He has the most beautiful night sky shots. He is from Australia and gets to view the milky way every night mind you but wow. He's also a fine arts student so he does have education to back up his amazing pictures but yes, I definitely had a feeling of doubt. I've been holding an easy contest on my facebook page and people haven't been participating the way I had hoped. I do know that I can't expect to be amazing or have a lot of followers right away but I thought people would participate more than what they did. Maybe the prize isn't suffice?? Any of you blog readers out there, what can I do to increase my audience, what would you like to see?!?! I'm curious.
I'm trying to expand my horizons. I'm reading a lot of different techniques and considering night courses.. will this take the fun out of pictures? Or will it increase my desire to take better photos??
Here is a link to the blog I was looking at:
This is one of his time lapse photos, love his time lapse photos. Maybe one day.

Speaking of which, I was looking at another 365 day project and I definitely have to say, this guys project was by far out of my league. His pictures are amazing and I'm looking at them going, I don't know if I can ever reach that amount of talent. His pictures had style and effort. He has the most beautiful night sky shots. He is from Australia and gets to view the milky way every night mind you but wow. He's also a fine arts student so he does have education to back up his amazing pictures but yes, I definitely had a feeling of doubt. I've been holding an easy contest on my facebook page and people haven't been participating the way I had hoped. I do know that I can't expect to be amazing or have a lot of followers right away but I thought people would participate more than what they did. Maybe the prize isn't suffice?? Any of you blog readers out there, what can I do to increase my audience, what would you like to see?!?! I'm curious.
I'm trying to expand my horizons. I'm reading a lot of different techniques and considering night courses.. will this take the fun out of pictures? Or will it increase my desire to take better photos??
Here is a link to the blog I was looking at:
This is one of his time lapse photos, love his time lapse photos. Maybe one day.
day after Halloween
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