Thursday, 16 January 2014

Day 259, January 14th, 2014

Yesterday, I thought I had forgotten to print a picture and I was all upset because I really wanted to update my albums. Well not upset like crying upset just kind of bummed that I had forgotten a picture.
While updating my albums I came across the missing picture!!! Yay!! I was positive I had printed all pictures necessary but was doubtful when I couldn't find the picture. It turns out that the picture was just not in the order it was supposed to be and I was able to replace the piece of paper with the photo! Happy happy Joy joy! haha.
I printed 115 pictures which sounds like a lot and really it is but I've definitely printed more. I'm a little disappointed that most of those photos were for my project instead of my personal album that show cases some of my favorite pictures! I'm definitely hoping the nice weather sticks around this weekend and allows me to capture some more photos!

When I started my project, I definitely set out to show my days instead of improving my photo talent. Sometimes, when I read others blogs or ideas, I feel I definitely haven't showcased my works growth. I think that when you set out to do a project like this, you definitely have to make up your mind as to what you're going to do. You're either going to showcase your day or something you've done in your day or stick to showing your daily improvement as a photographer.
Sometimes I'm a little disappointed at the pictures I've taken to show my day off and than I read back on my blog and they all make sense. Maybe this was more of a personal photo diary than anything but I've decided that I'm not going to be embarrassed by the photos I've taken or the quality. I've definitely taken some very grainy pictures as a lot of my pictures have been taken with my cell phone in the past month or so as the weather has been crap.
If the weather allows, I'm going to try to take more photos with either my dslr or my point and shoot instead of my phone as they do take better pictures. The one good thing about my phone is that it is so CONVENIENT to update my blog and that's how I end up having to update it weekly instead of daily is when I use my cameras instead.
Oh well... I will definitely try to take better pictures in the next 107 days (approximately!) Can you believe that I'm winding down on this project?! Yikes!

Have a good day everyone!

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