Thursday, 30 January 2014

Day 274, January 29th, 2014

Its Wednesday, the middle of the week and I'm in a bit of a slump. With the project that is. If you haven't noticed, I've been taking a lot of cell phone pictures instead of my point and shoot (that I carry with me) my dslr is too big to take with me all the time and I had promised myself when I bought it that it wasn't going to go everywhere I went(in fear of it being with me at work) so now, why am I taking pictures with my phone instead of my point and shoot?
I think it is out of convenience(being able to upload directly to my blog instead of taking pictures off my camera and uploading them.) The one thing with convenience is that I find I'm not taking pictures to my ability. I'm being lazy. I go to work and its dark. I get out of work and its dark. During the day I'm at work and I'm not really allowed to take pictures here so I feel like I'm in a slump where my pictures aren't improving nor are they interesting.
I'm at day 274 and I'd say that some of my photos are really just something to do with my day(which is what I set out to do) instead of fantastic pictures. I would love to have fantastic photos everyday and I know people who do have fantastic pictures everyday.
My question is, IF anyone is reading this, what would you suggest to improve the ability to capture photos during your work day? I'm wanting to take more daytime pictures while I'm at work instead of trying to find pictures to take at night. My days have been quite boring and not too exciting in the past few weeks and I guess that could be another reason why I'm feeling I live in slumps ville.

very grainy... oh well. Better grainy than no shot at all.

Day 273, January 28th, 2014

Tuesday morning and I for some reason keep thinking its Wednesday. Not a great feeling as Wednesday would be better than Tuesday but it would also mean wishing my life away.
Nothing much is happening today, I definitely feel like I could nap but I am looking forward to going home and watching some more Bones and Chicago Fire.
Lisa borrowed me season 7 of Bones so I can try and catch up, last night I curled up in my bed and watched the first disc, he he he. Tonights plans are pretty much the same as last nights but that could change at any point in time.

What are you doing tonight?! Happy Tuesday.

No my blanket isn't broken.. just thought the effect was neat.

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Day 272, January 27th, 2014

X-Ray result day! I'm looking forward to this moment as throughout my entire disability and every single doctor visit I had, whether it was my own doctor or a specialist, no one would show me the damage to my neck. Now I know most doctors do not agree with chiropractic treatment but I do know I can trust my chiropractor. I know that he will take good care of me and he will be honest with me. He will take the time and have the patience to deal with me, which is what I need.
Who wouldn't want to know more about a disease they have that could eventually leave them crippled?! I know I sure do but none of these doctors would show me what they were seeing and when you have an internal disease, its very hard to research it as you don't know how bad you really are, if you are.

So here I am, sitting in the office staring at my x-rays and even me who doesn't know anything, knew something wasn't right with my neck.

When my chiropractor entered the room, he was like, ok, here you are(as he brings me to the x-rays.) Let's go through this together and I'll show you what I'm seeing. Thank you Arnold.
He started drawing lines on my x-rays. Showing me that I wasn't properly balanced and that my spine is definitely out of line. My whole body is leaning to the right side (first x-ray on the left side.) Onto the next x-ray which also shows that the top of my spine by the base of my skull is also not in line with the rest of my body(x-ray on right side, mouth open.) Now onto my neck, which is the middle x-ray, the one that shows everything. I have severe damage to my vertebrae from C5 through C7. Now, this I did know but I hadn't seen the damage. Arnold explained to me that because my discs are deteriorating, my vertebrae now have the ability to "bottom out". Which means they can now touch each other if I'm doing something that allows them too. So this means something along the lines of trotting a horse(which I love to do and have spent many a mile in the saddle doing this) or driving on a rough road that makes it so that my head is bouncing or if I were to play on a trampoline type deal. Any kind of bouncing could affect my disc and my vertebrae. My vertebrae have been touching one another (naughty little things) as they have hooks in the end of them. This is quite disturbing to me. I have decades left to live and I'm not in good standings as to where I should be. This is quite scary for me, having all these years left to live and possibly be crippled or ending up with a hunch back!

So Arnold is going to try and fix me. He can not repair the damage to my discs or my vertebrae but he is going to try and get the curve back in my neck and help my poor C1 and C2 vertebrae out as they're carrying the weight of my head!! (causing a lot of head aches and a lot of tension headaches because my whole neck is supposed to carry the weight not just 2 of them) so this to me, is good news. It's something for me to strive for and become healthy again.
He said, your weight, your headaches, your sleeping patterns will get better when your spine is aligned. Until than, you just have to live life the best you can. I also mentioned to him that the doctors and physiotherapists were starting to think that I had fibromyalgia. He seems to think that this is false and that all the symptomatic pains I've been getting are because of my pinched nerves and painful discs/vertebrae in my neck and with treatment, these will start to diminish. Good news eh?!

Now, why didn't I go to the chiropractor sooner? Well for one, with my insurance, I had to stick to what my doctor said. Plus, I'm stubborn thinking that I was doing ok and WRONG, I wasn't doing ok. I wasn't getting better. So now, I have a long long long road a head of me but I want to be healthy, I want to be good again and I want to live a long life with Jordan. I do not want to be crippled and I do not want to live in this kind of pain. And speaking of pain, he also confirmed that I am not a wuss, that the condition of my neck is extremely painful and that because of my high tolerances, I probably wouldn't have noticed how bad I was until it was really too late.

So here I am, two years in the making, I finally know the proper diagnoses of my disease. It wasn't my doctor, it wasn't the x-ray technician nor the orthopaedic surgeon or the neurologist. I also didn't take up the offer of the physatrist to stick a needle in my neck to x-ray my neck and determine what nerves to kill. It was my chiropractor who took the diagnoses that I received and showed me what it was that I was dealing with. He offered to HELP me. He didn't offer pain killers or something to numb my brain. He's going to help me and make me feel better. Two years of suffering, not to mention all the years I've been suffering with migraines. The pain in my neck and how tense I felt all the time. The amount of tears I shed when one day I couldn't get on a horse by myself because I had lost all the strength in my arms. This pain and the emotional breakdowns I felt from losing the ability to do things was all because chiropractic treatments do not roll off of doctors tongues.

So there it is. I also took a picture of my x-rays but the board wasn't lit up so it is difficult to see but you can get the gist.

Have a good Monday everyone!

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Day 271, January 26th, 2014

Well the Blowing snow warning is here and it's definitely blowing snow like crazy. Jordan and I headed to my parents and it wasn't that horrible but when we left it was a tad bit on the bad side. We got to a neighbors on the road and someone was stuck and had help so Jordan and I decided to turn around and go a different direction. Well yes, North South is easier but still lots of drifting and the visibility is bad. I giggled at a few spots thinking we were going to get stuck but thankfully we didn't! Now we're going to stay in for the day. 

I sure hope the plows are out early tomorrow morning so I can get to work!
Be safe!

Day 270, January 25th, 2014

Its Birthday Party day! Espen has turned 6! So I'm hanging around at home until just before 3 since Jordan is busy playing with snow.
I'm on my way to the birthday party and head down a road that maybe I shouldn't and I end up getting stuck. First time getting stuck on a road in my vehicle. I figure I slowed down to much in fear that I was going to get stuck and than sank lol. Oh well, Jordan came and pulled me out and I headed to the birthday party!
It was nice to see everyone as we normally see the same people at the birthday party. Lisa put on another great dinner and I ended up hanging out with them and mostly Jennine for the night until Jordan came over. When Jordan came, we put the Croods in and watched that for the evening. Cute movie, I enjoyed it. Now home to bed, my neck is exhausting me. Night!

Day 269, January 24th, 2014

Last night was an interesting drive home. First of all, it wasn't even that great in the city, never mind traveling outside of the city. I had questioned myself as to whether or not I should head to Erin's to go for a visit but I thought, hey, why not?! As long as I can get down her road and in her driveway, I'm stopping for a visit! So I did! I was able to get in and what not but I did have my concerns as to whether I would be able to get out!
When I left, I had a questionable moment but I made it to the hwy. When I got onto the hwy, a semi passed me and blew up a lot of snow causing my windows to fog up. I had to than find the shoulder of the road to sit while my window defogged. So I sat their for a few moments and than carried on my merry way.
I have to say the visibility did get better when I left Erin's as opposed to when I got there, so that was good news! On my way home, I encountered freezing rain! But as soon as I turned onto my gravel road, that disappeared and so did the road! All the way home it was questionable as to where the road was but I eventually made it home safe and sound! I was not going out afterwards even when Jordan told me I should be at the Woody by since no one told me nor invited me, I opted for my warm comfy bed and the safety of staying home!

This weekend we're not supposed to get that great of weather either so I'm assuming that I will be sticking close to home!

Have a good Friday everyone! Stay safe!

Day 268, January 23rd, 2014

Last night I went to see my chiropractor, I haven't seen him in 4 years apparently. We quickly caught up on things going on in life and than got down to the nitty gritty. He looked at my neck and knew what was wrong right away and than proceeded to take x-rays to see where I was in my degeneration. He adjusted me and wow! Snap Crackle Pop! Did it ever feel better, not great but better! I go see him again on Monday, which he'll have my x-rays and he can show me what's going on! That, I'm looking forward to.

Today, I had my doctors appointment and got my lovely B12 shot. Jordan is in Brandon for Ag Days with Shrek and Gman. He'll be spending the night there so I decided that since Erin and I canceled our girls night last week because of weather/not feeling well, that we would do it tonight! After work I'll be heading to Erin's to spend some quality time with her and get in a good visit. Perhaps even meet the boy that's been around for months that hardly anyone has met, lol. :)

Hope everyone has a good Thursday! Stay warm!

Day 267, January 22nd, 2014

Its Wednesday and my neck is desperately waiting for 4:45 this afternoon. I'll be going to the chiropractor for the first time in 4 years (that's what the girl said) my chiropractor is going to be so shocked to see me but probably not surprised.
My neck has been really bad since Saturday morning and lived with it all weekend. Yesterday, I was able to get some relief with it but today the pain is coming in waves and it makes me cringe each time joined with my eyes welling up in pain. I hope he can help me because I can't go back to living like this! This kind of pain kept me on disability and I've been good for almost a year and now this pain is back.
Its really sad when you can't even pick up your own head when looking at something without wanting to cry because it hurts so bad. :( Too young to feel like this and know its going to be like this for the rest of my life. Makes you just want to sit down and cry.

Day 266, January 21st, 2014

I hate stressful news. I hate it when you know that its going to stress you out and not just for the time being, I mean for a year.
I don't handle stress like I used to, unfortunately, when I stresss my neck gets the brunt of it so I try to keep my stresses on the down low but it doesn't always happen. The way my mind works, it doesn't allow me to just brush things off. I tend to think about them a little more than what I should and work myself up over something that wasn't worth it.
Hopefully my mind will ease a bit and stop stressing....

Day 265, January 20th, 2014

100 days left! Wow!! That's intense! My countings are hopefully right otherwise that will be emabarrassing! hahaha!

Hope everyone is having a good Monday so far, my neck is still really bad and I'm getting really frustrated with it! I tried to sell it on Facebook yesterday but no one bid on it :( LOL!
Today at work, we're short 2 full time staff. One is working Tuesday to Saturday and the other is on holidays because she got MARRIED on Saturday!!! Saw some pictures today of her and she looks wonderful!

Day 264, January 19th, 2014

Wow! Its the 19th of January already! Time is sure flying by! I know this weekend has and its not a happy thing for me! LOL! I love my weekends and its too bad that its going by so quickly!!

Today we attempted to trench in Jordan's yard for his hydro. After spending a good portion of the day just trying to get the hoe, we lost a pin and couldn't go any further. I'm not sure if the hoe we got is a big enough machine to do it or if the ground is just too hard.

Now we need to think of different options. Its disappointing that after all the time getting the hoe, we lose a pin and can't go any further... hoping we still have a few options after this!

Day 263, January 18th, 2014

oooh out for breakfast! First time being at LJ's since being banned from Harleys and it was nice to be able to go out for breakfast so close to home!
After breakfast, dad and I went home and didn't do much for the day. Chore time came and I moved Libby from one corral to another as he's been a little aggressive to some of the horses in that corral. So I was able to play with him for a bit but he wasn't overly happy with being away from his pen during meal time. He had a pail in from of him but I guess its just not the same!
After that, I went to Jordan's as we're going to Hooters tonight for his wedding party meeting with Myles and Steph. Had some good wings and some tater tots, I love tater tots and they love me..... meaning they like to stay with me! lol that's a chubby joke right there.
Now we're off to Myles and Steph for some more discussion! Have a good night!

Day 262, January 17th, 2014

Friday! Its Friday and that means the weekend is here! I don't think Jordan and I have too many plans this weekend other than trenching for hydro and his wedding party meeting. Other than that, I think we're quite free! Woo hoo! Hopefully its nice this weekend, I need to play with my four legged creatures!

Have a Friday!

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Day 261, January 16th, 2014

Ugh, what a poop day :(

Day 260, January 15th, 2014

We always know that time is limited on this earth. We know that at any point in time something could happen and things can change in a blink of an eye. People love to point fingers at others to pass the blame. Not everything that happens in this world deserves blame but people love to point because it makes them feel better. Sometimes, things just happen and you can't do anything about it.
We'll band together and be strong. We'll get everyone through it because we're strong and we're here for one another.

Stay strong and stay together on this gloomy Wednesday.

Day 259, January 14th, 2014

Yesterday, I thought I had forgotten to print a picture and I was all upset because I really wanted to update my albums. Well not upset like crying upset just kind of bummed that I had forgotten a picture.
While updating my albums I came across the missing picture!!! Yay!! I was positive I had printed all pictures necessary but was doubtful when I couldn't find the picture. It turns out that the picture was just not in the order it was supposed to be and I was able to replace the piece of paper with the photo! Happy happy Joy joy! haha.
I printed 115 pictures which sounds like a lot and really it is but I've definitely printed more. I'm a little disappointed that most of those photos were for my project instead of my personal album that show cases some of my favorite pictures! I'm definitely hoping the nice weather sticks around this weekend and allows me to capture some more photos!

When I started my project, I definitely set out to show my days instead of improving my photo talent. Sometimes, when I read others blogs or ideas, I feel I definitely haven't showcased my works growth. I think that when you set out to do a project like this, you definitely have to make up your mind as to what you're going to do. You're either going to showcase your day or something you've done in your day or stick to showing your daily improvement as a photographer.
Sometimes I'm a little disappointed at the pictures I've taken to show my day off and than I read back on my blog and they all make sense. Maybe this was more of a personal photo diary than anything but I've decided that I'm not going to be embarrassed by the photos I've taken or the quality. I've definitely taken some very grainy pictures as a lot of my pictures have been taken with my cell phone in the past month or so as the weather has been crap.
If the weather allows, I'm going to try to take more photos with either my dslr or my point and shoot instead of my phone as they do take better pictures. The one good thing about my phone is that it is so CONVENIENT to update my blog and that's how I end up having to update it weekly instead of daily is when I use my cameras instead.
Oh well... I will definitely try to take better pictures in the next 107 days (approximately!) Can you believe that I'm winding down on this project?! Yikes!

Have a good day everyone!

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Day 258, January 13th, 2014

Good Morning everyone! Its Monday and everyone is back at it for work and all that jazz.
This morning I really didn't want to get out of bed but I forced myself! boo!!!
Last night I uploaded a bunch of photos to the costco website BUT I know that sometimes they auto adjust and it didn't want to allow me to go in and edit so now on my break this morning, I'm going to run to costco and get the pictures printed and than on my lunch I'll go and pick them up! I know I have well over 100 photos to print! Why oh why do I let them accumulate for so long?!?!

Have a good Monday!

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Day 257, January 12th, 2014

Today was beautiful outside and everyone was enjoying the weather. We were all outside and I carried my camera around with me all day and it took me awhile to find some inspiration but I was able to find some subjects to take pictures of!  Hope everyone has a good Sunday!

Day 256, January 11th, 2014

Well its Saturday morning and I've done some 'paperwork' this morning and I'm thinking it might be time to strap on some winter clothes and head outside with my camera. The trees look a little frosty and well some of you know that I LOVE that so hopefully everyone has a great Saturday! Can't wait to enjoy some of this nice weather we have going on since its been forever since we've been able to enjoy anything outside!

Have an outrageous Saturday!

Saturday, 11 January 2014

Day 255, January 10th, 2014

Oooh Friday is here! Happy Friday!

Today, on QX 104(a radio station), they were discussing Felfies. Farmers taking Selfies involving something to do with farming. Its either with agriculture or animals. I find it insanely awesome! Here is a link to felfies! or you can hashtag it up at #felfies
Now, I know a lot of people "guilty" of these, myself included. I've been doing this for years before Selfies was even considered a word. Its great how farmers are starting to get more recognition for everything they do!
I've posted in the past about how farmers deserve more recognition and how tough it can be to be a farmer and a farmers wife/girlfriend. Not only do we have to deal with suddenly becoming "single" and managing everything on our own but we also have to run around and do things that husbands/boyfriends would normally help us with. We cook meals, clean house, look after children and take meals to the fields so they can eat. We also run samples, move farm equipment, trucks, emergency runs to get parts, drive people from field to field or move trucks in a field, plus plenty more.
We also go to functions on our own and if we have children, we have to take them to any extra curicular activities or birthday parties. We do all of this plus our regular duties, just now its just one parent, not both.
We stay up late to see if he will come home and get to visit(which more than likely won't happen), we get up early to help him out first thing. We have our cell phones and house phones on standby incase they need anything. We're constantly on the go doing something.
Being a farmers wife/girlfriend is never an easy task, its long, its daunting and it can be down right lonely. We get asked all the time why we do it than? And I say, why what? Be a farmers girlfriend? Because I love him. I love our lifestyle. I love living on a farm. I love our animals. I love this life. Yes, it is very hard and I miss him very very much when he gets up and is in the barn by 6:30 and might get home for supper at 5:30. Might. After milking at night, he might be out in the field until 3 am and starts the whole process over. Its exhausting, its trying and things don't always go right. Its a stressful job and a stressful lifestyle but we wouldn't change it. This is who we are, this is what we do.
Ask a farmer how he feels. Ask him how hard it is to miss out on events and friends birthdays. To miss out on kids birthday parties and dinners and to be stuck in a field not only working but perhaps actually being broken down having to fix your machinery. He's lonely too but doesn't have time to think of his emotions. He sucks it up and gets at it day by day. Prays for sunshine and prays for the right amount of rain. This is hard on the farmer boyfriends and husbands too. But we're all in it together, always.
So spread the felfies and spread the blogs of farmers and thank a farmer when you see him for the food on your table. That gratitude, it goes a long long way.

This is of Dancin and I about 6 Year's ago before he was put down. I love this picture because of it being one of our last together. We still talk about you all the time! Miss you and Love you forever buddy ♡

Thought some of you may find this cool

Friday, 10 January 2014

Day 254, January 9th, 2014

Why can't nailpolish last more than a few days? boo to a self manicure that is starting to chip and look worn :(

Last night I had fun playing with my new lens. I can't wait to test it out in better lighting and maybe a subject that doesn't move so much! Lol :) Good ol Buttons sure hates my camera but I love taking pictures of her!

Today is supposed to warm up and I hope it does! Lots of things to do this weekend and nicer weather would sure make it easier!

I'm going on the hunt to find some potential house items on my lunch as I'm going to a store closeout so who knows what I'll find?! Here's to hoping its something good!

Have a good day!

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Day 253, January 8th, 2014

Wednesday morning and day after the house arrival, which brings me to last nights conversation that I had with Jordan while sitting in recliners, watching tv and eating popcorn. We were talking about the days events and how I said that it took me forever to shovel the tarp and he said that I was probably going to feel it in the morning. Well, crossing my fingers, so far I do not feel the effects of shoveling. I was quite nervous after he had said it because I have been suffering with back spasms for the past couple of days so it was one of those, oh please don't make it worse but thankfully, I'm ok!!!

Today, I need to call Steve to ask him some questions but I forgot on my break. I don't even know how as I didn't really do anything but I just want to confirm some things from yesterday and let him know that all is well.

Happy Wednesday to everyone!

Thank you Kevin and Nikki for the gift card! This was my purchase!!!

Day 252, January 7th, 2014

So this morning we're on standby. I get up, I get ready for work (just in case) and wait. The clock turns 8 and no call. The clock turns 8:30 and no call so Jordan decides to go to work. I proceed to wait because Steve said if any issues happen, he'll let us know by 9. The clock turns 9 and nothing. By 9:15 I can't wait any longer and proceed to phone Steve. Steve answers and lets me know that the house IS coming and that the papers are off the desk. I get off the phone with Steve and get ahold of Jordan and say, the house is coming! He's not at the farm as he's hauling straw and we still have a ton of snow to push! Oh no.... I ask what I can do and he says that I can start shoveling the tarp. I go to his place and grab the plastic shovel, let his mom know whats going on and headed over to his place to start shoveling.
I start shoveling and that was quite the chore. The snow had packed on top of the tarp so you had to break through the snow and than pick up the chunks and throw them out of the way. By the time I was a quarter done the tarp, Jordan arrived with a tractor and immediately started pushing snow. By the time I was half done the tarp, Jordan was done in the field and started moving snow in the yard and came up on the pad to start cleaning that and help me finish. Thankfully because I tell you, I was pooped!
We got the call after we had pretty much finished moving snow, Jordan was just moving it around, that the house was only a few miles away. I rushed to meet them at the corner only to see them drive by, lol. They backed up and than turned and started heading down the road. I pulled into Jordan's and got out of the way and grabbed my camera, of course, and started taking a few pictures. I did not go crazy with this.
Waited a little bit for them to gather their bearings and figure out how they were going to do it and than they started pulling the house in! Now the nerve wracking moments happen, trying to get the house up on the pad. Eek! Saw the house do weird things and eventually they got it. Unfortunately, when they pulled the house in, the driver hit a big mower(that was NOT in the way) and took out a tree! So damage was done to the house but we know this will be repaired.
Eventually they got it blocked and leveled and we were able to go inside and examine the damages to the interior. Nothing major. Pretty much what we were expecting. Some minor cracking/separating in the ceiling, some of the panel covers are either bowed or popped off. One of the window frames moved a bit but a lot of this could change once the house has warmed up and shifted again.
By the end of it all, I was extremely excited, I was tired and I was COLD!!!!
I'm so excited to say the house is finally here and now to wait on hydro to come hook up the electricity and for the garage to be built!

We are getting there!!!!!

Monday, 6 January 2014

Day 251, January 6th, 2014

Back to work day! The worst part about going back to work after being gone for two weeks is that its still so freaking cold out! Which means, starting my vehicle on breaks and being dedicated to my vehicle until this weather should somewhat return to normal!
On my lunch break, I was able to call Steve, the guy in control of the house, and find out about delivery. Well I'm happy to say folks that he is 95% sure that the house will be delivered tomorrow. The houses delivery is depending on the weather so please mother nature, don't be a stunned you know what tomorrow so we can finally get the house!

I got this bit for Christmas! I really really like it. I'm a fan of simple is more. By simple I mean snaffle and slight show material to it. It's attractive and simple not gaudy.

Sunday, 5 January 2014

Day 250, January 5th, 2014

Ah, day after wedding. We got home just after 1 this morning and crawled in bed and fell asleep. This morning seemed to come pretty quick which was a little disappointing, especially since today is my last day before I go back to work :( makes me a little sad that its all over. I definitely do miss my time off of work but I know its good for me to be at work so I'll just have to suck it up.
Jordan and I, after his chores, headed over to Trevor and Lisa's to see how they were and find out about their trip since they had some interesting times yesterday trying to get home. They were in Denver with no way of getting home as all flights had been cancelled. Luckily enough, they found a flight from Denver to Fargo and were able to rent a car to get from Fargo to Winnipeg, so that's what they did.
Today, when we got there, we found out that they had no water and their home was still relatively cold and be relatively I mean like under 15 degrees! Lisa helped by turning on the oven to cook a turkey while Jordan and Trevor were in and out of the house. It was a chilly afternoon but at least the kitchen was warming up and they turned on another element in their furnace so the house should start warming up a little quicker now.
Jordan informed me after he was done doing chores that they finally have some water! So YAY to water!!
Now to enjoy the last evening of my holidays before work.. BLAH!

Day 249, January 4th, 2014

Wedding day! I've been up for a few hours getting ready to go to Aaron and Steph's wedding and I tell you, it hasn't been the easiest thing! haha. I showered and than started doing my nails... had to do them about two times as I screwed them up and than it was make up time! Did my make up and started on my hair which turned out to be a sock bun which is what I was wanting to do because a bun is nice but my hair had dried nicely so it was a shame to put it in a bun but oh well!
Got all dressed up, Jordan zippered me in and we were on our way! First we stopped at Studlers and than Trevor and Lisa's to check on the fire and than off to Bruxelles!
Jordan and I yacked the entire way and didn't even have the radio on. We definitely drove through some pretty country and the closer and closer we got to Bruxelles, the hills started getting bigger and bigger! Finally we saw the church from a distance and wouldn't you know, we were there an hour early! Go us, so we went touring the town. Well that was it, haha!! We decided to park in the parking lot and wait for more people to show up.
The church was pretty on the outside and different on the inside. Very green on the inside. The ceremony wasn't that long considering it was a Catholic ceremony so all of us in a steady line of traffic headed to Holland for the reception. It was a short jaunt and when we arrived we were welcomed by miserable winds that made me wimper a lot!! I'm not used to wearing a dress and certainly not used to trying to trot through a parking lot in heels!
When we entered and hung up our coats, we found beautiful tables decorated with pictures, oil lanterns and a window pane with the seating chart written on it. We found what table we were sitting at and than signed the guest book before walking in and seeing what the hall looked like.
It was very nicely decorated with a huge sweep of fabric and twinkle lights in the middle of the ceiling. When browsing, you could find trees with jewels hanging on the branches and big almost chandelier like jewels cascading down from the ceiling in a circular fashion. The tables were double wide, which everyone was happy about, with grey table cloths, lace table runners, hydrangeas and poplar tree candle holders. Very pretty.
The evening was nice. It was quiet and lot of nice things happened throughout the evening. I really hope they enjoyed their day as it seemed quite nice to me. I was definitely shocked that a bigger party wasn't happening on the dance floor but it seemed to be just the way they wanted it to be and that is just fine by me!

Congratulations Aaron and Steph! You most definitely had a lovely wedding! Hope you have a great time on your honeymoon!!

Friday, 3 January 2014

Day 248, January 3rd, 2014

Friday Friday Friday!  Not that I'm happy it's Friday because my holidays are soon over :( Oh well, can't change time.
Tomorrow we're heading off to Bruxelles and Holland for a wedding.  Hope the weather is OK! Should be an interesting adventure for Jordan and I :)

Have a good Friday everyone!

Day 247, January 2nd, 2014

It's Thursday and I hate to say it but my holidays are coming to a close.  I've enjoyed my time off, it's been nice and relaxing other than being sick.

Today,  I went home to do chores and with it being as cold as Mars I had a lovely time with water.... Low pressure from one hydrant,  hose frozen for the other trough,  fought to get another one pen to work. Oy. It was about 3.5 hours work including running time. It was a little frustrating as I really wanted to get it done and it was freezing outside so none of it was overly easy.

Now I'm off to pick Jordan up to go light a fire.  Happy Thursday!

Criminal Minds + crafting + reading = awesome

Day 246, January 1st, 2014

Happy New Year!!!! Hope everyone had a very happy and safe new year! Like I posted yesterday,  we had a quiet night and now we're up and getting ready to go to Jordans city grandparents.  Hope everyone has a nice day,  enjoy your first day of 2014!!

First sunrise of 2014

Day 245, December 31st,2013

So here we are,  last day of 2013. Jordan is gone to work and I'm waiting for my mom to pick me up.  Normally I'd take Jordans truck but he'll need it to come to my place tonight. Tonight is my third Christmas.  Mike, Riana, Piper and Tanner are coming to do our family Christmas.  Mom is cooking another fabulous meal,  I'm doing chores and waiting for dad to come home,  plus vacuuming the couches.
When the family arrives is giggles and smiles are happy girls. We sit down to dinner and it is another fabulous dinner, never any doubts with mom's cooking.
After dinner, we opened gifts and everyone seemed to enjoy what they received. Mike and Riana gave me a really awesome photography book.  I LOVE books so I'm pretty stoked about this one. After presents are opened we visited for a little while before they had to go.  Jordan showed up in time to say bye and me wave around our joint present, a gift card to famous daves :) after that it was a visit with mom and dad,  a trip to Trevor and lisas to stoke the fire and home in time to sneak a quick kiss as the new year struck us!!!

Happy New Year!!!

Day 244, December 30th, 2013

It's Monday,  which means Jordan is at work and I'm at his place bored.  The weather is still cold which means no wandering aimlessly with my camera trying to find good shots.  Oh well,  I'm still hopeful I'll get out before my holidays are over.
Today also marks the 11th anniversary of my friend Travis' passing. We will always remember.  You'll never be forgotten.  In my heart forever and always. Love you cracker ♡

Yup,  it's filtered...