Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Day 179, October 26th, 2013

Its Saturday and that means that its horse drive day. After a drink or two last night, we were able to celebrate NOT having to pull fence Sunday. Woop woop. Details are complicated so I'm going to leave it at that.

Saddled up the horses, headed to the quarter and began the round up of the horses. It didn't take as long as it has and perhaps even the shortest amount of time with the least amount of people. Our horses were exhausted when we were done, especially Spidey but we all got through it. No, I wasn't able to take any pictures of the round up itself, but I did get some of the separating of horses. Putting them into their winter groups and what not. I'm proud to say that my little Justice was actually able to be caught without being roped. Nikki went in quietly and snuck a halter on her and lead her out while Miss Key decided to jump the fence in the blink of an eye. Wow! Was I shocked and YES I did MISS taking a picture of it!

Afterwards we were able to get some food in our bellies, had a great visit with Jean and said bye to her as she's off to Arizona for the winter. I will definitely miss her visits but we do have email :)

Now, to get ready for Aaron and Steph's halloween wedding social :)

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