Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Day 153, September 30th, 2013

Monday morning how I'm not fond of you. You make my alarm go off and disturb my sleep. Blah to you sir.

Besides being a little frowny that its Monday, I'm pretty excited to see if Mike, the surveyor, emails me so that I can pick up Jordan's documents. I know Jordan isn't as excited as I am right now as he can only see how much work is still to be done. Its not that I don't know that a lot of work is still to be done, I just see everything coming together, regardless about how much work is left! Positive thinking and a great imagination of being able to see it all when I stand in that yard and close my eyes. Its going to be great! Besides, all the work you put into it will give him such a feeling of gratification, it'll be crazy! Ahh, soon he'll be able to relax and be incredibly proud of his accomplishment!!!

Also, I launched a facebook page for my pictures. Please click this link to read a little more about it!
Objects of my Affection ~ Sessions 

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