I really think people took their stupid pills this morning. More traffic on the roads this morning than earlier in the week and just because a car is just over a cars length away from me doesn't mean you squeeze into that space. Ever heard of safe driving distance? I also had to slam on my brakes so hard that the items on my back seat hit the floor, which is not a good thing. Good thing the items are tougher than they could've been.
Driving down route 90 south, the lights are out at dublin. Cadets are directing traffic and somewhat breeze through that intersection only to come across the dreaded Tim Horton's drive thru line up. When you see that its packed in the parking lot and people are starting to block a lane of traffic, maybe you shouldn't stop to try and go in that line up as well as YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO BLOCK TRAFFIC TO GET INTO FREAKING TIM HORTON'S! That was a major bee in my bonnet. That annoys me so much. Are people that lazy that they physically can not get out of their cars and walk into the building and get their coffee? Or how about just making it at home, do you know how much money you will save making your own coffee?! *grumble grumble*
Wow! People are messed up today! A member just reamed me out! Oy, this is going to be a long day. Anyone for a whisky?!
Anywho, Kat Nikki and I are supposed to meet tonight to do centre pieces, hopefully we finish those tonight and another thing to add to the checklist.
Last night, I was going over my speech and rearranged it all. I wonder how many times I will do that before the wedding?
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