Monday, 27 May 2013

Day 25, May 25th, 2013

Have you ever fainted before? Have you ever felt the pain in your stomach like you're about to be sick and a wave of heat washing over your body and you know that if you don't sit down or get somewhere safe fast, that you're more than likely going to faint and hurt yourself?

I haven't had one of these in a very long time and I don't know what caused it today but I felt the pain in my stomach and granted I had eaten about 45 minutes prior to this, when I felt the wave of heat coming over me, it was an instant, I need to get away from my desk moment. Than came the swirling of my eyesight and I was able to get to the back room and keep my head down for a good 25 minutes. The backroom at work is a different temperature than by my computer, its colder, so perfect. I still feel odd and I don't know why, hopefully it just passes and doesn't mean I'm on bedrest for the rest of the night. That would not be good :(

Jordan and I watched previous episodes of Chicago Fire that we had missed :) That was our evening :)

Oh!!! I found this crazy site that tries to simulate what you see. Its in german so I have no idea what it actually says, but this is as closest to what I see, yup, this is how much my eyes suck!

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