Monday, 31 March 2014

Day 335, March 31st, 2014

Hmm, lots has happened today. Some of it was expected, some of it not.
Work was really busy for some parts, definitely kept us moving. I was training again and that went really well. After work we were all exhausted and couldn't wait to go home.
When I got home, I had plans for working on projects but that didn't happen.
Sometimes the slightest thing can change your whole evening. I know it changed mine to the point where I'm worried about whether I'm going to sleep or not.

Hope you all had a decent Monday. Counting on Tuesday being a better day.

Ha ha! So I had to take a picture of this today. With everyone complaining about the weather, I just had to. This was very amusing to me. I'm still positive about the weather so we shall see how it goes! 

Day 334, March 30th, 2014

Weeeee! Yesterday ended up being a pretty good day. Jordan got his bale feeder. Dad secured some panels and a smaller square bale feeder for the little guys so that was really good.  Went to the social last night and put in for the grand prizes and won one of them! Won a bar fridge and two 24s of beer! So excited! :)

Today, Jordan and I brought his hay bales or at least some of them, to my place. Kat cane over and than Troy, Kevin and the dogs came over than Nikki.
I took out my two munchkins (Liberty and justice) tied them up and have them feed. Went into the house and pretty much stayed there the rest of the time.
I rushed back to Jordan's for dinner, watched last week's heartland and now back to My place to watch tonight's heartland with my parents.

Weekends go by way to fast. Hope you enjoy what's left of yours!

Day 333, March 29th, 2014

Busy day planned! Going to Stonewall first to see if Jordan can get this Bale feeder and check out went is also available, than go to Jordan's to unload the bale feeder and than get ready for the social. Doesn't sound like a lot but it is when you're involved in it, lol

Hope everyone has a good day!

He he he Jordan's butt print in the couch :)

Saturday, 29 March 2014

Day 332, March 28th, 2014

Today I felt like I've been everywhere. Home, Stonewall, Selkirk, Winnipeg and back home.
This morning I went to Selkirk for my ultra sound. That went OK but wondering if they found anything. Guess I'll find out in a couple of weeks.
Tried to get cinnamon buns but they weren't ready :(
Went to work, really struggled with making it through but I did. Was able to get my Christmas present and my editing program that I've been wanting, let the learning begin!
Come home and find out that my parents got new phones! They had old flip phones and the batteries weren't lasting so they brought home phones just like mine! So now I get to play with both of their phones and teach them how to use them! Should be interesting!

Saw this picture at Big Dollar in Selkirk. The more I look at it the more I like it!  Wish it wasn't over $200 :(

Day 331, March 27th, 2014

OK,  who decided to beat me in my sleep? Oh wait, that's just my head reminding me that is still not better. Day 2 of being home from work. Eyes are exhausted and still feel like I haven't slept in days. Guess I'll just sleep some more.

Have a good thirsty Thursday.

He's come so far :-D

Day 330, March 26th, 2014

I can't take this head of mine. I'm tired of this chronic pain and how it's constantly impeding my life. I try every day to make it the best I can because if I don't, I'll be wasting my life. I'm home today suffering with a migraine that I've been battling since Monday. My eyes feel like they haven't slept in days :(

Hope everyone has a decent Wednesday, mine is going to be spent in the dark, lol.

I think my dog feels for me. 

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Day 329, March 25th, 2014

Frustrating morning so far. Go out to start my vehicle and 3 horses out. Chinook being the main culprit. You can yell at her and poof over the fence she goes. That girl will jump anything. She's either bored or gets a thrill out of getting in trouble. The other one was behind gates and than we have my dad's pride and joy out. Grr. Not impressed. I'm sure they're out right now again.. That is one thing I'm looking forward to the snow going. We have so much snow and what not that the fences are easier to get over. I just don't know what to do with this girl until we can clean the corrals out and make it so its not so easy to jump the fence.
Just annoyed that I had to put them away and make me late for work. Just makes me look bad and I'm really tired of it.

Hope you guys have a good Tuesday.

Monday, 24 March 2014

Day 328, March 24th, 2014

*grumble grumble monday morning grumble grumble* I just want to stay in bed!! I'm tired, I'm cozy and I just want to stay that way. Stupid Monday, why can't you take longer to get here?!

I did not get to make margarita's this weekend as we just didn't have the time or the place to do so. I was planning on being at home at some point to use my blender but no, we didn't go there like I had thought. I need to make one soon for my own mental health, lol.

Lots of babies have been popping up lately and more and more people are announcing that they're expecting.

My cousins wife had their baby boy on Friday, I tell you, he's a sweet little boy! So adorable! I hope the parents are doing well. From what I've read, they're doing good but I'm sure my aunt will let us know!
Nikki's brother's fiance had their baby yesterday after a long weekend of labor. An old friend of mine's wife had their baby yesterday as well and I'm pretty sure that someone else had a baby and I'm just forgetting about them.. sorry!

Lots of exciting things happening for people... I just desperately want Jordan's garage to be done so he can get water so that he can move in! The house needs a good clean, especially since I discovered something black on the carpet by the door which I'm pretty sure is off the tools sitting by the door. Wasn't impressed and Jordan can't believe I notice every little flaw but I'll be ok.. hopefully it comes out of the carpet otherwise I'm not going to be a happy camper. Can't wait to start putting some of Jordan's things out and making the place more homey. Ahh... something to look forward to.

Have a good monday.

Day 327, March 23rd, 2014

Its Sunday and so far our day is up in the air. We know we have a birthday party at 1 this afternoon but we haven't heard from Trevor or Lisa to find out if we're going for the donkey or not.
Eating breakfast and than Trevor pulls into the yard. I guess we're going for the donkey. So we move the ball hitch to Trevors truck and hook up to the trailer and off to Stonewall we go.
We get there and we're talking to Julie, Jesse and her dad when it got brought up that they were giving away the horse as well. Trevor decides to take it. Oh boy. BUT he also decides to take the miniature too so that Whitney can pick it up from his place. So we have three animals in the trailer and we were only supposed to have one.
When Trevor told Lisa, she told Annika, Annika has claimed the horse as her own and argued from their house to grampa A's house with her brother on the new name of the horse. So far the adults are still calling the horse his original name instead of what Annika is wanting to call him.
When we were at Grampa A's, the miniature decided that he wanted to brush up against me every chance he got, so now I'm absolutely covered in hair and I'm wearing my good jacket. Not impressed. So needless to say, my wool jacket is clinging to the horse hair and anything that has texture to it, such as my vehicle door or seats, is transferring to that textured material. *sigh* Spring shed season is here... oh joy!

Went to Annika's birthday party, got to play with babies and eat delicious lasagna. Than we went home, Jordan did chores and a little bit after we had suppe., I went home to visit with my parents and get things for tomorrow. Had a good visit with my parents and than headed back to Trevor and Lisa's for retro country and a visit. Jesse and his buddy Colton showed up for a visit too. Jordan and I didn't get home until midnight. Its been a long long day and I bid you all a good night.

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Day 326, March 22nd, 2014

Today Jordan and I set out on a mission that I called, Operation get rock.
A couple years ago,  Jordan found this massive rock in a field. I mean like 6 ft high and around 4 ft wide! Today, we set out to get this rock to bring it home to his place. Everything was going fine until it was time to put the rock on the tractor tire. Jordan's dad came with another tractor but it wasn't big enough to pick up this rock. Many attempts to balance the rock and have it actually stay on the tire was had until the guys decided that it just wasn't going to work today. We ended up putting it on the tire and taking it to the south headland so it wasn't in the way.
Well, we finally got the rock on and balanced but were facing the wrong way so we took it to the headland anyway. The tire wasn't big enough for the rock and probably would've got pretty banged up if we had tried to take it down the road. The mission was failed for today but we'll definitely try again when we come up with a few more ideas (which some have been made up already, lol)

Have a good Saturday!

Day 325, March 21st, 2014

Wow, only 40 more days to go... it doesn't seem far away and part of me would really like time to start slowing down but the other part wants it to keep its pace so we can get to the good part of spring and than slow down for summer but we all know, you can't have your cake and eat it too. So it has to be one or the other...

Its Friday and my boy is talking about having a sore throat. I hope this doesn't mean that he's getting sick. I hope its just a sign that he needs more rest. I hate it when he's sick. I guess I'll just have to put my tough girl panties on and deal with the man cold. *giggles*

I swear today is the day. I'm going to go to Safeway and get everything I need for a lime margarita and I'm going to make frozen margaritas this weekend. I've been craving one for like a month and haven't done it yet. This is a must for this weekend! I'll post pictures! haha!!!

Hope everyone has a good Friday!

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Day 324, March 20th, 2014

B12 shot day! Woohoo... hopefully this helps me a little bit. Man have I been dragging my bum lately.. like I said yesterday, its just been brutal trying to get up in the morning.

One of the hardest parts about this morning was having to leave for my doctor's appointment and not being able to take shots of the horses in the awesome fog. Oh well... you can't have it all, right?
Or so I keep telling myself so I don't feel so bad about missing out on some potential shots.
It was even worse when I arrived to my doctor's office to find out that she was going to be late because of the fog. I could've stayed home longer and taken some pictures :( Oh well!!!

Tonight, I plan on going home and going through my room. I need to clean that thing. It looks way worse than what it is because I have so much stuff in it. I need to come up with an organization system that works :) wish me luck.

Happy Thirsty Thursday and Happy International Day of Happiness! Have a happy happy happy day!

These little guys have been hanging out in Brookside Cemetery. Someone has fed them so they have very green alfalfa bales to snack on. I don't mind people feeding them but next time maybe not so close to a road where they could get schmucked. :) So cute, tried to take their picture quickly, I'll not pout too much over the blur this time! haha! 

Day 323, March 19th, 2014

Why am I so freaking tired every single day?! Oy! Last week and this week so far, I have been majorly struggling to get up in the morning and get to work on time. Not only am I pushing myself to get out of bed on time but I'm also trying to get my make up done on time. It's like time speeds up and I slow down when I'm applying my make up. Its been a bit stressful for me because I can't figure out what I'm doing differently. I guess I'll just have to force myself to go to bed earlier...

Last night was a lot of fun going to the Stampin' Up party but the only thing is is that now I want to do a lot of crafting. This includes something for the project that I've been talking about without giving details, haha! Confusing, I know :) I'm just hoping all goes well today when I head over to Michael's.

Have a great Wednesday everyone!

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Day 322, March 18th, 2014

Good Morning everyone... its Tuesday and its a dull and dreary day so far. Dreary days make my energy level plummet into non existent territory. I'm hoping the sun comes out to play for a bit so my energy can pick up.

Today, I'm supposed to go to a Stampin' Up party with version 2.0 but we have a sick horse at home (another one) so it depends on how he's doing and if I need to go home. Hopefully I'm able to go but we'll see how things pan out. If anything, I'll be sending Ash with a list of things I'd like to buy :)

Last night, I went on a mission for Jordan to pick up a gift for Kevin and Nikki. This will be for Christmas, Baby and birthdays for sure... I'll get some credit for it but I'm still going to get them something. I'm tossing between a couple of ideas though, so we shall see!!!

Have a great day!

Day 321, March 17th, 2014

Have I ever mentioned how much I hate coming to the city? Just ruins someones day to come here and deal with all the idiot drivers. Some people might think I'm an idiot but I have an awful lot of time behind the wheel of a vehicle so poo on you.

Today is St Patricks Day and I'm definitely not wearing green... not even a scarf. My bad. Didn't think about that very much but no one at work is so I don't feel so bad now!

Mom and Dad missed their concert last night because of the weather. It got pretty ugly in a very short period of time and I know that's all I'm going to hear about today is people complaining about the weather and you know what?!?! I'm so SICK of hearing people COMPLAIN about the weather. We can not control it nor do anything about it so just LIVE with it and stop complaining. It will get nicer when its ready and the snow will go when its ready so just freaking well deal with it.

Anyhow... Monday is going to be Monday.... hope you have a good one.

Monday, 17 March 2014

Day 320, March 16th, 2014

Sunday sunday sunday.... how I wish we had another day to the weekend. It does not seem like we have enough time off to recoup.
Today, Jordan and I headed to my parents place to check on Dakota and see dad. We ended up going and checking Calvin's mares as they're not far away from a surprise delivery as they were NOT supposed to be bred. This is why I'm highly against backyard breeding or people leaving their colts intact for way too long. Not only do you get backyard breeding and no control over it but you get mares that could be bred to their sons and what not (thankfully this wasn't the case but could've been if we didn't have his mom at our place.) Some people are innocent in this and some people just neglect the fact that this can happen and don't do anything about it.
After that, we went to Studlers and than Jordan's to show dad the progress on the garage/shop :)

The weather started turning ugly so I have a feeling its going to be a quiet evening!

Have a good Sunday night peeps.

So excited!

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Day 319, March 15th, 2014

This morning, Kev, Nikki, Jordan and myself met up with Jeremy, Brendan, Ashley and Lincoln for breakfast at Cravings. Jordan and I shared each others breakfast as we had wraps so we were able to do so.
After that, we went back to Kev and Niks and Nikki and I ended up going to the city to do some shopping. She doesn't have any maternity pants and she really wanted jeans so she didn't have to wear lounge pants.
We were able to find some and they look really good on her.
After that, we came home and she dropped me off at Jordan's so I could get ready for the social. I don't know how I'm able to get ready at home faster than his house but it just seems like doing my make up at Jordan's takes me forever. I had a shower and it seemed to take me an hour to do my make up. Time escaped me, that's all I can say, lol!!
We headed off to the social and I have to say, it was quite dead until 10:30 when the younger crowd started showing up. Once majority of the youngsters showed up, the party started to really get going.
I didn't win any prizes but Janice won a Keurig with coffee packs off of Grandma's ticket but I have a feeling Jordan will end up with it.
After the prizes were handed out, majority of the older people left and than a fight broke out. You just can't have a nice social without a fight breaking out and even worse the groom being involved. Now I don't know all of the circumstances regarding the fight but from what I've heard, someone thought someone was someone else.... don't you think you should know if its that someone before you fight them? I was dancing with some of my girls and than the music shuts off and I'm like what the heck and I turn and directly beside me, pretty much only 2 feet away the fight had broken out.
I have a pretty aggressive temper but I'm pretty good at staying out of peoples business but I saw Steph in there so I tried to get her out but she insisted on getting in there as her husband to be was involved.
Now, I don't know this lady by any means but she was wearing a blue jacket and it it were up to me, I would've hit her with a chair or my cash box and dragged her out of the hall. Whoever she was deserved a ass whooping as she just had a chip on her shoulder the whole night and than went after poor Morgan for whatever reason. She had her arm cocked up to hit Morgan, just yelling at her and from what I heard, Morgan was trying to explain that the person who started the fight had the wrong person. Just stupid. People, if you can't handle your alcohol, DON'T DRINK! Its common sense. That or stay home.

Any who... I think Myles and Steph overall had a good social. Some people might not understand why I had any involvement in the social but if you're not sure and want to complain, take it up with the couple to be.

Hope everyone had a good Saturday!

Now available at Cravings! 

Friday, 14 March 2014

Day 318, March 14th, 2014

Yesterday, I was nominated for the Natural Beauty challenge. I've witnessed many girls on my facebook page nominated and accepting this challenge. From what I understood the challenge to be was to understand that we are supposed to love ourselves no matter what and most importantly, in our natural bare skin. To accept ourselves for who we are and to encourage other girls and women to do the same. The challenge is to take a picture without make up or your hair done up. I took mine after a long day of wanting to hit a reset button, so I was very tired but accepted the challenge. I think it is very important for all of us to realize that make up and hair dye and fancy hair dos are something that we can do to make ourselves feel better or enhance our natural beauty but all in all you are who you are and everything else is just extra.

Here is my photo for the challenge:

Love yourself Ladies and Gents!!

Today, I'm hoping is better than yesterday. I was pretty cranky first thing this morning with the lack of communication in my household but I'm sure it'll pick up. Last night I was reminded why I love being organized and a planning type person. My head just spins when people are like, "I don't know" all the time. What do you mean your don't know?! Oh boy... It will all work out anyhow!

Hope you all have a good Friday!

So good!  Bbq ranch chicken salad from Wendys!

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Day 317, March 13th, 2014

I really need one of these buttons this morning. I'd like to go back to me lying in my nice warm cozy bed and restart the day entirely. Feeling like I'm in a completely different world this morning and nothing is cooperating.

Its going to be a very long day....

Day 316, March 12th, 2014

What day is today? No seriously, what day is today?! haha I'm SO tired! I slept well last night but I certainly didn't want to get out of bed first thing this morning. I don't know why I'm so tired and I don't believe its the time change. I was tired long before the time change!

Last night, majority of us from work went to the Olive Garden to have a goodbye dinner for Kelly. She is leaving us next week for another branch. All I wanted last night was Chicken Gnocci soup and salad but because its at a premium, I ordered a main dish that came with soup. Well the waiter ended up bringing out more salad so I could've ate just soup and filled up on salad! I was a little annoyed because I'm so cheap when it comes to food! Oh well, I have leftovers for lunch or breakfast or something :)

Tonight, Jordan and I are supposed to go to Myles and Stephs place but we'll see :) She might cancel again or we might be too tired but with the social on Saturday, its one of those "suck it up" moments.

I hope you guys aren't as tired as I am and that you have a great middle of the week day!

Day 315, March 11th, 2014

Tuesday morning and its not as nice out today as it was yesterday. Majority of people are complaining about how slippery it is out there and yes, it is slippery if you're walking, so be careful.
I love that I don't have to let my vehicle warm up forever before running it, that's pretty darn exciting for me. I have to gas up today and I haven't had Trav fix my vent tube yet so I hope those winds don't get up before I need to get gas otherwise I'll be suiting up to get gas!

Discussions taking place in my head are what to charge for my picture. I think I'm pretty sure on what rate to charge but I'm still debating as to what I should put it up for.
I'm also debating ordering new business cards eventhough I haven't gone through hardly any of my previous ones. The only problem with my previous ones are that they don't have my facebook page on them so I keep writing that I'm on Facebook. I'm also debating as to whether I should get an actual website instead of just a blog. I'd like to keep the blog but also have a website that my blog could be linked to. Debates debates debates!

Tonight, is our goodbye dinner to a coworker. She's going to another branch so we're heading to Olive Garden for supper. I'm hoping they have a frozen lime margarita because I'm still craving one!

Cheers to Tuesday. Have a good day peeps!

Day 314, March 10th, 2014

My shows are back on! Heartland and Once Upon a Time!!! Last night, Jordan had some paper work to do plus we went to his house so I wasn't able to watch Once Upon a Time last night but I did watch it this morning.
As some of you may know, I love the Wizard of Oz and to have the Wicked Witch make a very prominant appearance on this show thrills me! I can not wait to see how they play this one out. It does help that the witch is played by Charlotte from LOST (another fav show from back in the day.)
I'm curious to know just how Wicked she's going to be. Do not disappoint me is all I ask!!!! hahaha!!

Today, we all came to work and found out that we have no water. I'm so glad that this isn't my house as it must be incredibly frustrating to function if it were. So for now, we have camp rules. I've drank a lot of water so far today, so this might not be so fun! LOL :)

Hope everyone has a good Monday!

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Day 313, March 9th, 2014

Sunday funday today! It is such a beautiful day that Jordan and I headed to my parents place to play with the horses and enjoy the weather.
Jordan grabbed his three and I grabbed Liberty but Justice was a little bit more tricky. We played a game and finally she gave in and came right to me and I was able to get the halter on her with the help of Nikki. I could probably lead her anywhere with just the rope around her neck but she doesn't like the initial try of getting her nose through the halter but she ended up doing well.
Played with those munchkins for a bit, was able to get the burrs out of Justice's mane. She has white hairs coming in and her mom started that way. A few white hairs here and there and than eventually her mane started turned white-ish. If Justice stayed the bay color and had the white hairs come in, it would be neat that's for sure. She would be very unique. It is possible that she could develop white hairs in her mane and tail as she does have appaloosa in her but I would really hope that she stays bay.
It was also deworming day and I hate deworming Cowboy, he's always such a jerk and today he got me good but I was able to get it in him. Spider wasn't that great either but at least the other three were. Dad helped me with Justice and Liberty wasn't a problem. I left Ducky for Jordan and he was great to which is good because I really didn't want to have to fight with him too, lol.
Dad and Jordan trimmed Spidey and than Kev helped them trim Ducky, not that he was a problem or anything but sometimes we help one another out :)

I can tell you this much, the dogs sure enjoy the nice weather and fresh trimmings!

Hope you all got to enjoy the nice weather! What a treat!!!!!!

ps, I'm very very excited for tonight.... WICKED is coming... muahahahaha!!!!!!!!

Day 312, March 8th, 2014

Last night went well. Had a fabulous supper of hot dogs, hamburgers and a double layer strawberry cake that kind of reminded me of black forest cake, it was pretty good. Had some good laughs and story telling for mom's birthday.

Today, we will honor the life of Sonny Jeffrey, as he passed away March 4th. This evening, Jordan, myself, Mom and Dad will be heading to Famous Dave's to meet up with Mike, Riana, Piper and Tanner for mom's second birthday supper :) 

Have a great Saturday everyone :)

Day 311, March 7th, 2014

Happy Birthday to the Most Wonderful Mother around!Moms & Mums Are Love Typographic Print. Sentimental Mother's Day or Birthday Gift. Wall Art For New Mom Or Mom To Be. Motherhood. Parenting.
This blog isn't working the way I want it too today and its frustrating me, that's for sure!
Today, we're celebrating my mom's birthday with some dinner and cake and than more festivities tomorrow! Looking forward to it all. I really hope that I get a call today about my pictures, that would make my day wonderful!!
 I hope everyone has a great weekend Enjoy the weather!

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Day 310, March 6th, 2014

Well mother nature, well played.. well played. You give us nice weather but than dump a whack of snow on us. Mom got stuck this morning which delayed me leaving. Dad didn't advise that I go to work until some of the graders had been out so here I was, all ready for work and couldn't go anywhere... so what does one do when they can't go anywhere yet its really nice out?!?! They go take pictures! Yes, I walked around this morning and took 237 pictures, Yowza! That is a lot of pictures to go through. I've gone through them quickly and have definitely deleted a few as they were blurry and what not. Some of my subjects weren't cooperating today that's for sure!
I also have a really hard time taking pictures of Teepee.. JUST Teepee... His white is too white and it doesn't matter what my aperture is set to, his white is always blown out! Ugh! I will figure it out! It doesn't help with the snow... just reflects itself and makes it worse but I'm excited to have some of the pictures that I got!

Hope everyone has a good Thursday... I know that I'm mighty thirsty ;)

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Day 309, March 5th, 2014

Happy Birthday to Kat and Sarah today!!! Hope you girls have a wonderful day!

This morning, Jordan informed me that a man that we bought a horse off of 23 years ago this fall, passed away. My dad has known him for awhile and he was a man of the community before moving to a retirement home in his later years. Dancin was put down 6 years ago this November and would be 23 years old in June.
I've been looking through pictures over the past few days and have come across several of my boy. He sure was a handsome fella in a weird kind of way. Conformation wise, he was terrible, grotesque, wrong in every way but somehow it worked for him in every way. He was stubborn with his roman nosed face, he could run like a jack rabbit with his back legs passing his fronts. He was stronger than most horses and he had a personality like no ones business. He was tough as nails until his conformation caught up with him.
See, Dancin had a "sway" back. He had a herniated disk in his back which caused him to have a major sway, he looked kind of awkward when you think of it because his belly hung lower as his back hung lower but he certainly was a fighter. If he had a good back, he would still be alive today as his heart was a strong as ever. Hardest thing in my life to do was to put him down but when he started to get mean or aggressive when you went to pet him, I knew it was time. I was scared he'd fall one day in the winter and break his back. I would never want to find this proud horse to end up that way.
I put him down on the 15th of November 2008. He took two jumbo needles to knock him down and the vet was getting ready for a third. I cried, a lot. It broke my heart and certainly made me feel helpless.
Between hearing of Sonny's passing and looking through pictures, it can get quite emotional.
I miss my big boy a lot and wish he was still here. He taught so many people how to be confident in the saddle and taught them what it was like to have to work for something.
He will forever be my first love... my first boy and my first true heartbreak.

Love you Dancin.

Dancin - unofficial photo of the day

The mason jar is new and so far I'm going to really like this :) also another unofficial photo. 

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Day 308, March 4th, 2014

Topic of discussion today: Do people walk away from others too quickly before resolving the issue?

Now I'll be honest here, I have thought several times, is this friendship worth it? Am I not worth while being around? Will this friendship last? What am I doing that this person is....? How come this person treats me....? etc.
We have all had questions raised up in our friendships and why people are the way they are. You see posts on facebook all the time about people sticking up for themselves and not having people walk all over them, etc. It seems that through posts, people feel they are empowered and can be this total, I won't let anyone hurt me, type person but are we those people in person? Are we so willing to walk away from people who "treat you poorly" or "take advantage" of you, etc. What happened to the, lets bring this out in the open and discuss this type deal? Why are we so willing to walk away from people without telling them why we're walking away? If you feel that someone is mistreating you or taking advantage of you or not being around like they should, why do we drop a friendship before asking why someone is maybe being the way the are? Someone might not know they're taking advantage or treating someone poorly or maybe they've become suddenly busy and they can't be around much. I think we as a society, myself included, point fingers way to quickly before asking someone, What the heck is going on?
Have we become a stronger society only behind a computer screen? And if we're strong in front of someone, are we too willing to point the finger and tell someone how horrible they're being without asking why they're being the way they are before we cram it down their throats?

As someone who studied psychology a bit, I definitely look at things in a different perspective and I know that people are afraid of being hurt. They try to act tough and some people are tough but most act tough so that people can't see how hurt they really are. The only thing is is that hurt is some what of a beautiful thing. If you act like the tough guy, nothing ever gets resolved(and things can escalate,) people just go away for awhile or forever. If you show someone that they're hurt and that by them acting tough or explaining that they're taking advantage or treating you poorly, you might find that you get a better result and I say might. Some people are too afraid to talk about how they truly feel but if you don't, the issue is going to happen again and again and again.

If you're reading this, take a second to mull it over and see what could come out of it... some friendships are worthwhile figuring out... and if this doesn't work, than its best to walk away and at that point, you will know you did do all that you could. Walking away and not telling the person why, is just you losing out and them never knowing why.

Great idea Ash2.0 for this deliciousness... glad you thought of it :)

Day 307, March 3rd, 2014

Wow! Talk about a Monday! Nothing is really going right at all today. First, I got stopped at a train for 10 minutes which made me late for work. Than one of the girls put the cassettes in the machine in the wrong slots, than 2 of my computers went down... Its also really busy today so it should make it to be an interesting day.

Hope everyone else has a great Monday, I'm hoping mine turns around!!!

Love how my cat is interrupting my going to bed time...

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Day 306, March 2nd, 2014

Heavily working on the project today, found some old discs from the horse drives that we've done. Now to start going through them all and figuring how I want to place the pictures. Next will be going through more older pictures and seeing which ones I want to scan and use. Its definitely going to be a lengthy project but I really want to do this so the biggest lay up will be getting desktop time with the scanner... lol.

I secured my third person today for my other project that I'm doing, which is fantastic! Now if only the really nice weather would come to get it done!!!

Have a good rest of your weekend peeps!

Saturday, 1 March 2014

Day 305, March 1st, 2014

Happy 34th Anniversary to my amazing parents!!!! 

Jordan and I did some favors today by hooking up to the snow blower with the tractor. We cleaned the snow in the trailer court and than we went to my parents and cleared snow to the back hay yard. Talk about a lot of snow but thankfully its all sugary snow :) 

Last night, I started a project and over the next couple months I'm going to be contacting people about this to get their inputs and apply it to my project. It will be revealed in the next few months... I have 4.5 months to complete this!! Pretty excited!

Hope you all have a good day!
