Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Day 116, August 24th, 2013

I FINALLY figured out how to burn my discs on my brother's laptop! That was a pretty exciting moment! I've burnt a few dvd's with my pictures on them and will continue to do so when I have time. Some of the pictures are so large that the timer says 30 minutes until finished. Yikes! lol.

Went up to pasture to get Liberty and Joker, checking out the rest of the horses and walk around Justice and its like, oh man. A huge freaking bulge on her side leaking with infection. I was able to get ahold of it and gave it a good squeeze and you can only imagine. That stuff doesn't gross me out but it might to some others so I'll spare you some details. We're not sure if something is in it or what but we'll see. I'm sure she'll be coming home.

I than prepared a pot luck dish. Perogie Casserole, which smelt delicious while cooking I tell ya. Off to pot luck I go and was surprised by the amount of people there. Was not expecting that many people nor that many children. Was a little overwhelming for the handful of people I was told was going to be there.

Went to Jordan's that night while we gabbed for about an hour. Can always tell when we haven't seen or talked to one another in awhile, we chat like crazy until we fall asleep. Something I love about that boy, he would rather talk than text and he'd rather talk in person than on the phone. Its nice.

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