Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Day 118, August 26th, 2013

I'm in a no non sense mood this morning. I'm tired of people thinking they know better than me, that they're better than me and that I'm just a grouch because I have expectations.
I expect that when I come back to work after a weekend that my desk be as someone found it. Neat, tidy and supplies well stocked. That the stapler is where its supposed to be and that everything is ready for me to sit at my desk for the day. But no. Every time I come in, I have to rearrange things and put them where they're supposed to be. I shouldn't have to remove boxes or ink pads or put my stapler back where its supposed to be. I shouldn't have to put elastics back into the container or straighten the items on my desk back to where they're supposed to be. When I first started here, your prepare was part of your job requirement. You were required to have enough pens, staples, baggies, elastics and paper clips. Not to mention enough forms to last you at least the day. Now a days, people just sit at your desk, use your supplies and don't bother filling them back up. Its a major pet peeve and every time I come to work, I find that my desk has not been treated the way it should be and it makes me feel disrespected. I leave it clean and tidy and well stocked for someone to work here so they should do the same and its not being done. Maybe I should just hide all my stuff so they're forced to get their own so they understand what its like but I'd probably get in trouble for it though because its either being petty or immature. Anyone who does this though, stocking their desk, knows what I'm talking about and its incredibly frustrating!!!! Any suggestions as to how to fix this problem?!?!

Burning Burning Burning

Day 117, August 25th, 2013

Got up this morning and wasn't sure what I was going to do. Go to work with Jordan or go home to figure out Justice. I called dad and he said that I could go to work with Jordan and we would figure out Justice BUT she does need to come home. He checked her before I called and the spot on her side has doubled since I squeezed it and with the wolves being around, the last thing I need is for them to smell a weak animal. So we'll bring her home. We'll need to rope her though as she doesn't want anyone near her, this could be a challenge, lol.

Went to work with Jordan and ended up getting put to work as a taxi service, lol. Drive from one field to the next, bring this person here and take that person there. It was ok, made it easier on everyone for me to help. The heat was exhausting me though and if I don't force myself to drink enough, I feel sick. So when we stood in a field for an hour while people fixed a combine, it wasn't doing me any good.

After Jordan was done milking, we went to my house and I brought out Lib. You can tell they know they're safe as they're eating like mad and they're not looking over their shoulder. Poor boys. I saddled Lib up and it was like he had been saddled 100 times. He was great, hasn't had a saddle on in probably over a year? We have a lot of work to do but if this is how he is about all of his training, we'll be golden.

No, he's not being whipped. Its called a carrot stick and its being used to hit the ground, not the horse.

Day 116, August 24th, 2013

I FINALLY figured out how to burn my discs on my brother's laptop! That was a pretty exciting moment! I've burnt a few dvd's with my pictures on them and will continue to do so when I have time. Some of the pictures are so large that the timer says 30 minutes until finished. Yikes! lol.

Went up to pasture to get Liberty and Joker, checking out the rest of the horses and walk around Justice and its like, oh man. A huge freaking bulge on her side leaking with infection. I was able to get ahold of it and gave it a good squeeze and you can only imagine. That stuff doesn't gross me out but it might to some others so I'll spare you some details. We're not sure if something is in it or what but we'll see. I'm sure she'll be coming home.

I than prepared a pot luck dish. Perogie Casserole, which smelt delicious while cooking I tell ya. Off to pot luck I go and was surprised by the amount of people there. Was not expecting that many people nor that many children. Was a little overwhelming for the handful of people I was told was going to be there.

Went to Jordan's that night while we gabbed for about an hour. Can always tell when we haven't seen or talked to one another in awhile, we chat like crazy until we fall asleep. Something I love about that boy, he would rather talk than text and he'd rather talk in person than on the phone. Its nice.

Day 115, August 23rd, 2013

So, it looks like the quarter we rent is going to be put up for sale. I can't afford to buy it and I don't even know how much it'll be but I know that they requre a 35% down payment on a land purchase and I just don't have that kind of money. I'm really disappointed because I really do like that piece of land. Its pretty but its only pasture land, nothing more. Its close to the lake too and I don't mean a pretty lake, I mean a lake that isn't supposed to exist, one that floods peoples properties. Its one of those moments we knew it could happen and that time is now and its just not happening at a good time.

Last night we said bye to Shorty. Grant came and picked him up and I hope that they're good to one another. He'll be a good horse to Grant as he seems like a nice young guy that won't hurt him. Shorty is a suck after all, lol.

Tonight, I'm hoping to get a chance to go to pasture and sneak some pictures of the horses. I have a project on my mind....

Here's the actual product from the sneak peak I showed you all a few days ago!!

Day 114, August 22nd, 2013

I tried to fully update my blog this morning but it was taking way too long. I don't remember if I installed google chrome or if by chance someone else did but it makes my blogger update that much faster from my home computer, so that is great! But I didn't have any pictures organized or ready to go and I seem to be missing a picture that I knew I took, so that is very weird.

On the poopy news, I wasn't able to burn any discs last night because I was unable to figure out how to do it. Mike is supposed to show me soon how how to do it because I apparently can't figure it out.

I can not express how much I love St Ives Deep Restoring 24 hr Moisture hand lotion. Its great for at work. Its instantly dry, not greasy and the smell isn't too bad. Kind of floral smelling but not really... I bought it at dollarama awhile back but now I think I need to either stock pile on desk size moisturizers or some how hide a big bottle at my desk. We wash our hands or use hand sanitizer so often that I've been looking for something that dries quickly and is effective and this is the hand cream that works the best!!

Day 113, August 21st, 2013

Its been 10 years since you've left us. We wish you were here to see how things have been, to see how we've grown. To meet your new great grandchildren. To meet Jordan, he's a farmer and has roots just like you. I miss you each and every day, Grampa. Love you with all my heart xoxo.

I'm very stressed right now and I can feel it coming out of my skin. When I'm stressed my work is either incredible or horrible. Hopefully I get some answers soon and my stress level can dissipate because I'm sick of it.

Good news today though, Jordan's pre-q went wonderfully! Let's hope other things involving land and money go well today too!

Day 112, August 20th, 2013

Happy Birthday to my amazing brother Mike!! Hope you have a fantastic day!!
Last night, Neil came to check on Ducky and he said with the flies, to wait and see how it heals and if it heals with a lump, that we'll look after that when the flies aren't so bad. So I hope Jordan doesn't have to pay much for a trip for nothing, really other than some piece of mind.
Tonight, going to help Jordan mark his place so he can make a map of where everything will be in his yard. This will help for the building inspector and for hydro. Yay to another step being almost completed!!
I've been looking at laptops again, oy! I need to sell my saddle so that I can buy my laptop. My habits are getting too expensive. Between horses, braiding leather and photography, I'm never going to have any money!!!!!

Day 111, August 19th, 2013

Back at work, still exhausted wanting more sleep. Left Jordan's later than I wanted to this morning and without breakfast. My body is not happy with me for this but it'll live until break, lol.

Tonight, Neil is coming to look at Ducky's face. Its actually quite awesome. He's healing so well and I doubt he'll have any scar or scar tissue!!
Last night, Jordan and I washed his face and picked the hay out of it and he just stood there and after wanted cuddles. So pleased that he's a good boy about it!! So hopefully tonight, hardly anything needs to be done and he'll be great!!

Day 110, August 18th, 2013

Its the morning after the wish and all I can hear is the ping of the rain on the horse trailer. Ugh, seriously.. I'm trying to sleep ME is tired, lol! It rained for awhile and all I can think is, I'm glad the wish was yesterday and this is happening today.

What a spectacular day! The ride had great weather, well sometimes too windy but the wind was a welcome as it was hot and muggy out there. Jordan, Troy and I rode the ride together and were able to ride with some friends along the way. Everyone seemed to be having a great time and that's what its all about!

After the ride, I got ready for Kayla and Al's wedding, which meant putting a dress on. Jordan and I headed over to the wedding where we watched Kayla and Al get married and all the tears of joy they shared, well mostly Al since Kayla was afraid of losing her lashes ;)

After the ceremony, I headed back to the Wish to catch up with some friends while they had supper and I reserved space for my parents to sit. A Patsy Cline singer seranated us through their supper and than it was time for speeches around 7pm. I've never seen Gary so emotional! I knew that everyone involved in the wish would be pretty overwhelmed with the days events as it was the 25th year and the big Million, which was Gary and Silvers goal. I'm so incredibly proud of the Peltier family for everything that they have done for the Children's Wish and I can't wait to bring my kids to this event one day and have them grow up with this each August just like I did. I love that they are so passionate and so incredibly generous with everything they do. It fills my heart with much joy to take part in this every year.

Today was spent eating taco dip, visiting, cleaning out the horse trailer and more visiting, lol. My body is exhausted!!

Day 109, August 17th, 2013

WISH day!!!!! eeeee!! So excited for todays events!! Its supposed to be a beautiful day! Can't wait to go for my ride and than be apart of tonight's festivities!!! Keep you posted!

Day 108, August 16th, 2013

Its Wish eve today. Tonight will be busy! Shoeing horses and gathering equipment!! So excited!! I've seen some of the prizes they have as we were there last night helping set up. Ahhh!!! Its going to be SOOOO GOOOOOOD!!!!! I can't wait!!

Today at work is Member Appreciation Day!! Manitoba Pork is coming out to provide lunch! Donations are accepted and go towards United Way as ACU is a huge supporter of United Way! Going to be some good eats :):):).

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Day 107, August 15th, 2013

Talked to my doctor today about Sasha and how I was unsure whether she was rabid or not. She seems to think that she wouldn't be and that I shouldn't be concerned. Everyone else says the same thing so I guess I should stop being paranoid. For all I know she dunked her face in her water bowl before jumping on my bed. I still really wish she'd come home and that she isn't passed away in the bush somewhere... but anyhow...

This morning conservation called back, now its phone tag. Hoping they have something good to say about this otherwise we're going wolf hunting.

2 nights before the Wish which means tent set up. Tomorrow means prep. oy. Better get some sleep.

Day 106, August 14th, 2013

Feeling pretty down today. Emotionally and mentally tired as well. Along with the grimm discovery on Monday, Sasha has been missing for a week and I hate to assume the worst but my guess is she's passed on. The last time she was gone for a long period of time, she was picked up by an eagle and crawled her way home. The last time I saw Sasha, we think she had got into something and I was trying to look at her but she was let outside and now I feel incredibly guilty as she is probably in the bush somewhere with no love or a proper way to say good bye.
Some would say she's just a cat. When she was born in the manger of our barn, she was the most different cat we have ever had. Most of our barn cats were either black or grey. She was this little calico/tortise shell little thing and she was so cute. When she was old enough, I scooped her up and brought her in the house. Did we need another cat at the time? No but she was different and I wanted her. I raised her in my bedroom for a little while as the other cats were bigger than her and they picked on her so she stayed in my room until she could manage on her own. She used to cuddle with me at night and play with me when I woke up. She was the sweetest little thing with a big personality. Never had I had an animal with as much sass as Sasha. She would carry on a conversation with you and she always had to have the last word. She would squak at you and than roll on the ground and expose her snow white patches on her belly. She'd take a tummy rub and than she'd be gone. She cuddled when she wanted to, talked when she was talked to and hunted like no other cat. She'd curl up in a tiny ball on your bed (right in the middle mind you) and would just sleep there with you. When you weren't feeling well, she'd come and hang out. She was an awesome little cat and I'm going to miss her very much. I'm still hoping she makes her way home but this time I think it was her time.

Love you Sasha.

Here's my photo of the day:

Day 105, August 13th, 2013

Grimm discoveries are never fun. They hit you and hold you down for awhile. Some would say, Nature is cruel and I tend to agree.

Today is picture print day! I'm going to costco on my break to start printing a crazy amount of pictures and hopefully they all turn out wonderfully. Some of these prints are being enlarged for a donation item to the Children's Wish, which is in 4 days! I hope between Mom and I, we chose some decent pictures. If not, I have to try and find some time in my week to get more printed! eep!

I ordered a stamp that has my "name" on it. It'll be a stamp to put on envelopes and lables! I also ordered some promotional business cards. Am I making a good decision here?! lol

that's a little sneak peek...

Here's to hoping for a smooth day!

Monday, 12 August 2013

Day 104, August 12th, 2013

5 days until the Wish!!!
Tired this morning, stayed up too late but happy to see my beautiful nieces this morning. Got to love waking up to their smiling faces!! Makes the day that much brighter, especially when Piper says, Love you Auntie as I'm hugging her bye so I can go to work. :) such a sweetheart.
Busy week ahead of me. Tomorrow I'm printing pictures for people, Wednesday I'm picking up silent auction tickets for the Wish, Thursday I have a doctors appointment and than to the Wish to help set up tents. Friday is going to be whatever I missed throughout the week and rush home to make sure everything is packed up for the morning! Not to mention all the little things Jordan would like me to do such as pick up oil for his truck and some fencing supplies but that might have to wait for next week.
I'm really excited for this Wish, I'm always excited but this is the big one and I'm really excited to see what all they have planned. Its the big 2-5 and the million!! I wish that more people from our group were coming and not going to Saskatchewan but thems the ropes! Hope they have fun because I know I will!!! :):):)

Day 103, August 11th, 2013

Jordan has to work again today, so off I go to be his co-pilot while he hauls grain to the elevator. He told Aaron that I'd like to go for a ride today so off we went knowing that Aaron would do the third load! Yay :)
After the load was done, came back and helped load Aaron up and than off to my place to get some riding time in. Went for a few miles with Dad and Jordan than back home to Jordan's for supper.
I took pictures while Jordan was milking, wandered the yard yet again. I really wanted to go for sunflower pictures again as the sky was blue yesterday but I only had Jordan's truck. I don't like taking his vehicle without asking so I didn't. After milking, I found out that I could've!! Booo! So back to my place to pick up a horse trailer to go and pick up Hank. Wendy has such a beautiful yard, every time I go there I'm just in awe, love it!
Brought Hank home to find a strangers vehicle in our yard... that stranger being Glenn!!! Had a few drinks with him and off to bed.. hopefully my paranoia disappears.........

Day 102, August 10th, 2013

Very full day today.. Went to work with Jordan, hauled winter wheat to the elevator. Went to Ivy's birthday party!!! Stopped in at Kayla's staggette. Picked up Jordan, had supper than after milking Jordan and I stayed in and watched a movie as we were both exhausted.

This next comment is because of a couple of things that transpired today...

Things in life happen that some people can't control. Such as other peoples actions. Certain actions that were taken today make me incredibly sad. Not only because people are incredibly selfish but also because they're insensitive and can cause humiliation and pain. When you make a decision to do something in life, you should really consider the outcome, who you could be affecting and decide if that's the best thing to do, at that time or another.
When you make these choices, you have to learn to live with the decisions other people make. Some people might be upset with you for awhile, some might be ok with it. Some might be confused and have questions that you might not be able to answer.
All of these things can arise when you make decisions to better your own life while hurting others so hopefully you're prepared to deal with it. If not, I hope it was worth it.

Day 101, August 9th, 2013

Last night, when I was at work, Dad called me and usually he doesn't call me around 5 unless something is up. Apparently, a boarder, had called dad at work to say that a horse had a really bad cut on his face. Well this horse turned out to be Ducky. When I received the picture from Kat, I replied with, that's a gooder. Ducky has peeled the hyde off his face from an inch below his left ear, to a half inch from his eye to the bottom of his cheek bone and back up. I don't know how he did it but he did it good and No, I will not be posting pictures of it. This just determined that Ducky will not be going on the Wish as that is not good for all those people to see. I'm hoping that it heals quickly and properly. So here's to Ducky's face healing! :)

I tried to take pictures of wheat last night and it would've been great if the wind wasn't blowing it everywhere. I haven't looked at the pictures yet so maybe I'll stop for another session to see what other pictures I can get.

This morning was a photographers dream, well those that do landscape or nature. The dramatics in the sky were intense and with a slow shutter and a tripod, whoa! Could you get some nice pictures! Light and dark clouds, light peaking from places, it'd be awesome. I had to go to work and I was cursing the sky the entire way, be like this on the way HOME! LOL!!

Day 100, August 8th, 2013

I can't believe its been 100 days of taking pictures, in my books, this is very exciting! Whether its something small like a pair of glasses or a big picture like the ones at the rodeo, I'm pretty proud to say that I've been doing this for this long and still going strong! I can't wait to look back at this journey and have a complete document of my life for 365 days in pictures!!

Last night, I watermarked all the pictures I posted to my facebook page from the rodeo this past weekend. I watermarked over 80 pictures and it took quite a long time. My computer slowed right down and had to reboot and all that jazz. After posting the pictures to facebook, my phone exploded with notifications from facebook with all the comments and likes. A huge thank you goes out to everyone for this! I started taking pictures for fun years ago and have just continued in the past year to really hone in my skills. I love this hobby and one day I hope to make it a profession. I promised some people hard copies of pictures (without watermarks) and I will get those to you soon! Uploading, watermarking and putting pictures here and there is a lot more time consuming than one would think, so thank you for being so patient!

For those of you who would like prints of my pictures at any time, please specify any pictures in particular and what size you might like and I'll contact you about this.

Thanks again for all the encouragement and support!!

Day 99, August 7th, 2013

99 bottles of beer on the wall 99 bottles of beer... tomorrow is the big 100, I can't believe I've been doing this for this long and have stuck with it.

Wow! So I uploaded pictures from my camera to my computer last night and it took over 1600 pictures off sooo needless to say, I'm WAY far behind on posting anything and its going to take me awhile to pull faves and post them. I can't believe I haven't posted on here in over a week. I have broke my rule. I tried last night but I was kicked off the computer, so don't blame me! They're coming, I promise!!

I've also decided to create another blog sub account, the link is here. This will help keep anything from my current project separate. The only crappy thing is, is that I'm not technically suave so I had to create a new address under the existing blog. I'm going to link them together so that its easy for people to go back and forth. This new blog is going to be updated as I do specific sessions, ie; friends, objects, items for sale, action etc. Keep checking for updates and I'll try and post here when new items have been posted.

Thank you to everyone who follows this blog and hopefully my new one, your support has been wonderful!!

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Day 98, August 6th, 2013

I'm so so so very disappointed with myself and today and how I didn't pull the images off of my camera last night like I had anticipated otherwise I could have a front page picture on a local paper this week! That would've been so incredible to have for myself! Could you imagine one of my pictures on the front page of a newspaper?! People might actually want me to take pictures and pay me for them after that! UGH! So upset with myself! Wishing now I had a laptop so I could've said, I could have a picture for you, just give me a few minutes but NO! Blah! I wonder how long it will take for me to get over that one! Maybe I can still send pictures to Colleen and get a blurb somewhere in the next paper, that would still be cool.

Day 97, August 5th, 2013

Monday of the long weekend, I'm so glad you're here. I don't know what I would've done if I didn't have you off today.

Jordan and I are still tired from the weekends events. The Roping Dummies came in third yesterday, they made some decent money over the weekend. They came out feeling pretty good about themselves and so they should. Everyone was wonderful and the sportsmanship appeared to be quite strong for all the teams.
My barrels were slow but Spidey and I completed them and I believe we did well, he's not a barrel horse. Nikki did well on Rhett, she ended up getting fourth, so that's pretty good!

Today, Jordan and I are going to pound some posts, pull some trees and hopefully get the well ready to be drilled this week! Pretty excited about all the changes happening around there, especially now that the bees are gone!!!

Day 96, August 4th, 2013

Sunday Funday!!! What a wicked start to the day. Breakfast at the rodeo grounds for $5.00, just enough food to get you full enough for the day!
My dad convinced me yesterday to try and do barrels today so here I am, sitting on a horse that's never done barrels, in an arena. We're looking at the barrels, we walk them, trot them eventually lope them. If I wanted to ruin this horse, I'd get him to run barrels. He turns around them wonderfully but I'd never do that to him, ever. I'm excited for todays events as the Roping Dummies came in second yesterday only trailing the leader by a point! A POINT! So today will be exciting!!

Day 95, August 3rd, 2013

Good luck today to the Roping Dummies.. may you have a blast!! Also to E Bar C and the team I can not for the life of me remember that Lawrence, Keenan and Kat are on!

Day 94, August 2nd, 2013

Preparing for Rodeo day!

Today at work was a little busy as we were understaffed but everyone worked really well as a team, things went relatively smooth and it was nice. Rushed out of here to get home and helped dad put shoes on Nifty for the weekend. He was good, just the bugs can be pesky and therefore the horses get annoyed and can be difficult to trim/shoe so it made dads job easier.

Pretty pumped to take pictures this weekend! Jordan picked up the lens that I'm borrowing off of Lisa, so excited to use the 75-300!! Eee!!

Day 93, August 1st, 2013

Happy Birthday Keenan! Happy Anniversary to you and Tera as well!! ♥

I can't believe its August 1st already, seems a bit surreal. Time is flying by and its not stopping anytime soon whatsoever. Before you know it, the Wish will be here! I am excited for the Wish but time can slow down a bit too.

Day 92, July 31st, 2013

Last night I came home to one of my freckled lily's starting to open. I proceeded to yell open sesame and my dad was like, don't yell at it. LOL. This morning, I woke up to an open lily! Maybe my yelling helped?! LOL I don't think so but I like to think I threatened it in a good way!! haha.

Today, my body is sore from riding last night. My stomach is like, WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME?! Its a good feeling, a feeling I remember quite well. Nice to be back in the saddle.
Tonight, I'm not sure whats on the agenda. I desperately want to go and get a new photo album today for the pictures that didn't fit in the album last night. We'll see, if I go I must ONLY get a photo album and nothing more as I am broke! lol. The life of me.
I'm very excited as to filling this photo album. How many people still do actual photo albums? I'm also proud of what is inside the album. Hoping to get more photo opps this weekend!! :):):)

Day 91, July 30th, 2013

Wow! Do I have a job a head of me today!! I went to Costco first thing this morning and got 216 pictures printed!! Yes, some are duplicates to give to some people but that was like 9 pictures, the rest are for my photo albums!! yikes! Haha I guess I know what I'm doing tonight!!

Found out today that MTS doesn't require an easement on Jordan's property anymore! Thanks to our surveyor!! We're still waiting for land titles though, hopefully Mike can get that back right away so Jordan can apply for permits to build the garage and what not! When we get that, we can contact hydro! Eeeee!!! Pretty excited!

Day 90, July 29th, 2013

Wants to rant so badly but I can't incase it gets back to someone in particular. Today has just been a lazy productive day. I've done things but I haven't? Its weird.

I managed to get a hold of the bee guys and they will be out by August 7th as Jordan's well is getting drilled on the 8th and we can't have them getting stung, so yay to bees being gone!!

Dad was looking up something and happened to come across some pictures of us crossing a river a couple years ago. This was the river where Dad and his horse rolled in the river because of a hole that was in the river. After the weekend, we found out that we were riding through a flash flood and should never have crossed the river. Here's a picture of me and poor moses crossing the river!

Dad and Nifty
Keenan and Cope

Here is my picture of the day, shows what I've been doing all evening. Transferring photos onto USB drives and external hard drives! Oh the joy!