I expect that when I come back to work after a weekend that my desk be as someone found it. Neat, tidy and supplies well stocked. That the stapler is where its supposed to be and that everything is ready for me to sit at my desk for the day. But no. Every time I come in, I have to rearrange things and put them where they're supposed to be. I shouldn't have to remove boxes or ink pads or put my stapler back where its supposed to be. I shouldn't have to put elastics back into the container or straighten the items on my desk back to where they're supposed to be. When I first started here, your prepare was part of your job requirement. You were required to have enough pens, staples, baggies, elastics and paper clips. Not to mention enough forms to last you at least the day. Now a days, people just sit at your desk, use your supplies and don't bother filling them back up. Its a major pet peeve and every time I come to work, I find that my desk has not been treated the way it should be and it makes me feel disrespected. I leave it clean and tidy and well stocked for someone to work here so they should do the same and its not being done. Maybe I should just hide all my stuff so they're forced to get their own so they understand what its like but I'd probably get in trouble for it though because its either being petty or immature. Anyone who does this though, stocking their desk, knows what I'm talking about and its incredibly frustrating!!!! Any suggestions as to how to fix this problem?!?!
Burning Burning Burning