Thursday, 20 June 2013

Day 42, June 11th, 2013

Well... the storm may have come and gone but the aftermath is still having major side effects. Can't say that any of it makes me happy.

Yesterday, I had a great time at lunch with Kat, Nikki, Colin and Travis! It was much needed and I was very much relaxed after. Thoroughly enjoyed that hour away from work and away from the thoughts in my head.

Last night, we went and seen Epic. Slow start but it started to get really funny and us three girls had some pretty good laughs. It didn't seem too much of a kids movie but it was good.

Today, dad got a phone call and one of our clients mares had a Poco baby! Another one to not be the same as any of the others! I LOVE that! This one is a filly, chesnut in colour with large white stockings. I can't wait to see her for myself! :):)

ONE more sleep until my eyes! Remember, I'm going to be slow on updating my blog so please forgive me!! I'm also not so sure how my photos of the day will be but it shall be interesting! LOL :):) For those that follow this, I won't be able to text/email/check facebook things either, so I'm not ignoring you! Just have to follow the rules so my eyes heal properly!!!!!!

My version of healthy junk food... lol

New nailpolish! yay!

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