Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Day 57, June 26th, 2013

Bah, I waited and waited for nothing. Still have not received an email. I'm IMPATIENT! So I hope I get an email today.

Today, my eyes weren't as bad as they were yesterday or the day before but they still weren't great. More gravel like feeling today although I can see awesome today. Maybe that's why they're so sensitive? Because they're getting better? I really don't know but I'm using drops today that's for sure.

Last night, we had a pretty good storm come through. Lots of rain, lightning and thunder. Lightning started earlier in the evening followed by thunder and a couple hours later, the rain came. An old friend of mine shared some pictures(of someones pictures on facebook) of the storm coming into Brandon last night, wowza! That's some scary stuff. I'll have to find those pictures and post them so you can see by the end of this blog post. Sure glad I didn't see any of that in my area, I would've pooped my pants. Whenever you see green like this, it is never a good sign. Hope everyone in Brandon faired out ok.

Today, they're calling for more thundershowers. I don't really want anymore rain but I'd love to be able to get some lightning shots. Last night it was more sheet lightning when I was outside and I got too tired by the time the lightning got good. One day, maybe tonight? haha.

Here are those pictures I had promised from the Brandon area

Day 56, June 25th, 2013

When is it not going to be so freaking bright outside?! I want it to be blue skies and sunshining and be able to enjoy it!! Right now, its killing me! Oy this sucks! Hopefully it doesn't last much longer because looking at my monitor at work is getting me. Good thing I know how to type so I don't have to look when I'm writing this. I also make some pretty funny faces behind these sunglasses that if they weren't on, people would think I'm not right in the head, lol.
I have a check up today as well for my eyes, we'll see how this goes. I see better outside but right now I'm so light sensitive, I don't really know what I see..

Waiting waiting waiting on the email from the surveyor. I tell ya, its torture!! Checking about every 5 minutes, haha!! Come on!!!!

Monday, 24 June 2013

Day 55, June 24th, 2013

Happy Birthday Dancin, you'd be 22 today. We still talk about you and we all still wish you were here. Love you always and forever my boy. <3<3<3

Today has been a brutal day for my eyes. Nerve racking to drive to work and I was literally scared that I was going to injure myself or someone else. Should I have driven? No, should I have called my boss and said my eyes weren't good enough? Yes, did I? No. I pulled over to put drops in my eyes and I was very careful. Cruise was set so all I had to do was concentrate on getting to work. I did get here and now my eyes work and than they don't. Sometimes they can't even look at the monitor. What a brutal day but my sight is still pretty damn good, go figure?? Hope it just keeps improving and my eyes relax to light soon enough. 

Talked to Hydro today about things to do with Jordan's place so now to wait for the application to be ready to go to Hydro since Jordan has to draw a map of the place with all sorts of dimensions. Hopefully he can do that soon. Sooner is better.

Fancy Freckled Lily's

Fancy Freckled Lily's

black barlow (its alive!! Yay!!)

Day 54, June 23rd, 2013

Woke up this morning, felt like we had slept in. Jordan and I were still at Tera's and its 9:20 in the morning! Kev and Nik were just leaving so Jordan and I slowly got up and met with the family where they proceeded to make us a wonderful breakfast. Had a great visit with them and than we headed off for home!

Came home just in time for the rain, le sigh. Visited with my Uncle Jeff for a few minutes ( I haven't seen him in years!) Than Jean came to see the babies, in the rain. She was hungry so off to Mr. Perogie for some eats.. well more like a drink and had a couple of Jordan's onion rings... lol.

Home for supper awhile after Mr. Perogie and after supper, I headed to the horse trailer to clean up our stuff from the weekend. Hung out in the trailer while it proceeded to rain more and Jordan told me to ride in the trailer while he went and parked it under the pole shed so I didn't have to get wet, awe <3

Headed over to Jay's to hang out with the crew for awhile. Nikki did a crafty project and I gave my input and I think she finally has it! Yay!

off to bed.. work tomorrow. ugh.

Day 53, June 22nd, 2013

Happy Graduation Day to Miss Tera and Destiny!! Congratulations you two! You looked beautiful!!!

This morning, I woke up to to not being able to open my eyes very well because it was so bright.. very sensitive eyes today. I was supposed to go with Nikki to do Tera's make up but I couldn't see and I hadn't got anything ready for going out there so I had to do that. I kept my eyes pretty much closed the entire time up to Lundar where Jordan and I stopped in at Lamoureux's because Kev was there and was able to see Destiny briefly and able to visit with Landon for a bit. Than off to grad we went!
What a different ceremony than what I'm used to, it boggled me that you didn't flip your own tassle. That's the fun part about getting up and getting your diploma! Flipping your own tassle.

After the ceremony, Jordan and I went to Chicken Chef where I proceeded to laugh. I'm sorry if this offends anybody and its not made to make fun but this is why education and english classes/language arts is important.

We had a nice meal and than headed off to Tera's place to set up the horse trailer and relax until everyone gets back. We walked through the corrals and visited with the three horses, I watched the goats for awhile as they were amusing me, than we set up the bed, got out the lawn chairs and had a drink.
Everyone returned and we sat around out of the rain, than had a bonfire and stayed up waaaay too late :)
I thoroughly enjoyed my day. Congrats again to Tera and Destiny :)

The moon at Tera's waiting for them to come home

Awe pretty Tera

I tried to get a front shot of you Dest but they were all blurry!

Friday, 21 June 2013

Day 52, June 21st, 2013

ooooh!!!! What an exciting morning!! First I hear that people are up and roaming around the house, than I hear a knock on my door and I'm look who had a baby?! We've been expecting the cows to calve BUT it was Cassie!!!! YAY!!!

What do I do? Reach for my glasses. D'uh! I don't wear those anymore!! Dad's like but you still need your sunglasses! Oh right! Thanks Dad! hahaha.

Go outside to find Kat looking over this beautiful baby! Oh I couldn't be more pleased or more excited for this little filly of Cassie's and Teepee's!!!

I'm at work today and I keep thinking of the little girl, keeps me going!!

Congratulations Maureen!! You have a beautiful baby girl.

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Day 51, June 20th, 2013

This was an interesting day so far. Got to visit with Kat first thing this morning, than Momma J dropped off the paperwork for Jordan to make my phonecalls. Called the land surveyor, told me what he needed me to do which was to scan the letters Jordan was mailed so that gave me incentive to set up the printer.
2 hours worth of setting up this damn printer to find out that I didn't have a cable I needed! GAH! I was so mad that I didn't know this, especially since I really wanted to get this done for Jordan.
I texted my brother and he had one for me!! So I was able to do all the scanning for Jordan and off the letters are and hopefully we get a response soon to know time frame and cost! I'm beyond excited. :)

Thanks Mikey!! Good Luck tonight!! Be SAFE!!! Have FUN!!!!!!!

Day 50, June 19th, 2013

Wow, day 50!!

Not a whole lot to talk about here. Hid in my room all day because I noticed that my eyes really hurt at night, so I didn't go outside hardly at all until the later afternoon when the sun wasn't so harsh. I put in my new scentsy today and filled the house with loveliness :)

Day 49, June 18th, 2013

Eyes are getting better, found it tough when I saw a horse a had cut his head and I couldn't tell how bad it was, thankfully it wasn't bad at all and he was ok.

Tried to saddle Nifty, that was not a graceful thing to do. Glad I had no spectators! I also cut his fetlocks and brushed him all up.. well combed his mane and tail as he was clean elsewhere and I was worried about anything getting in my eyes.

Got to hug my brother bye before his little tour in Alberta which he leaves for on Thursday. I hope he has a good time, I know he's wanted to do this for awhile so I really hope he enjoys himself.

Nikki brought me my drops and she brought me peanut m&m's lol thanks Nik.

Ya, I try to take pictures with my eyes like this. They don't always turn out.

Here Eileen, tried doing a silhouette picture of Echo for you, wish it turned out better

Day 48, June 17th, 2013

Another day off, another day to the city to hopefully get these damn freaking annoying blurry foggy contacts out!

Mom and I get there and wait a little while and I get called in. I have the contacts taken out and he proceeds to tell me that I might have to have another contact put in my left eye because it isn't as healed. Well d'uh! I tried telling you that it was messed but whatever, go sitdown for a half hour and get it checked again. Good to go but I did get a contact to go home with just in case it got irritated.

I walk outside, I can see and its bright. I'm a happy camper BUT I need to use these systane drops a lot and it burns without the contacts.

Mom and I went shopping and *sigh* I bought some clothes. I really shouldn't have because I'm already missing some pay, oh well.

5 hours later, while in my room , in the dark, being a mushroom with Nikki on my bed to keep me company, I realize, I've gone through a whole bottle of systane! Oy! I guess I used those drops a lot! Haha.

Nikki says she'd pick me up more drops tomorrow in Stonewall so that I don't run out of any! Thanks Nik.

Day 47, June 16th, 2013

Duckshit day!

LOL so I tried taking pictures of Ducky being an absolute jerk. You can tell he's been spoiled and not in a good way. It never is when you're playing with creatures of that weight and strength and a mind of his

Ducky was nicknamed Duckshit because of all the things he pulled. Needing to be roped to be caught, trying to cow kick Jordan, breaking ropes and than Jordan and Dad getting nailed with the rope parts.. Jordan getting the tail across the arm splitting his arm open with about an 8 inch gash down his arm, my dad catching the rope in the fingers.. oy! He gave in, it was all his own doing and he called uncle. He got worked and rode and now he lives in solitude. He will not be allowed to be a brat no more. Good thing he's good looking otherwise I'm sure he would've got worse names.

Jordan's ok, sore and being much more tough than I could ever be. He was blocking his face so it goes from his bicep over his elbow and down onto his forearm. I'm sure glad it was his arm and not his face, I would not have handled that well without being able to see properly. 

Duckshit, Lippy, Cali, Dash
I have better pictures, just didn't want to post them, lol.

 Love you forever and always
Schmoo, miss you 1994-2004

Day 46, June 15th, 2013

Today, I tried to be outside, didn't go to well.. so my baseball cap was my best friend. I just wish that it didn't give me a headache... and man oh man I can't wait to not sleep with these damn sunglasses, too much pressure on my head!

Day 45, June 14th, 2013

Oy, long tired day for me. My eyelids are VERY swollen and bruised looking. A cold cloth and water are my friend today.. and yes, I'm still a mushroom.

and yes I know its not clear but I couldn't see so oh well, lol.

Day 44, June 13th, 2013

Off to the city for my check up appointment. Thankfully because I can't open my damn eyes. My left eye hurts so damn bad, it feels like little razor blades are in there cutting my eye each time I try to open it. Yikes!

Get to my appointment and they take me in right away, before anyone else, guess that's the treatment I get for getting PRK opposed to lasik, sorry guys in the waiting room!
Sit down and the lady is like, Ashleigh, you need to open your eyes. I'm sitting there kind of laughing saying, I really can't open it, it hurts way to much. She's like I put numbing drops in your eyes you can open them, try it, NOPE! I really can't. Finally I did and she said everything looked ok. Well trust me lady, it doesn't feel ok. 5 minute appointment and dad and I are on our way.

So I say, why not visit Jean? We haven't seen her in awhile. So we head off to Jeans. O M G I love her baby. Who knew TKA could have a baby this freaking cute?! And bred to a paint. Pft! She's adorable and friendly. It was instant like for this little filly. Good for Jean, I"m glad she's got a beaut!

After spending the day with Jean, we went home for much needed rest for me. Razor blade feeling again. So that night dad's giving me my drops and I said to him, something isn't right. I go into the bathroom, look in the mirror and I"m like UH OH DAD UH OH! My contact lense was folded in half sitting on my eye lashes. He's like, what now?! So I unfolded it and stuck it back in my eye. Guess what... NO MORE RAZOR BLADES! I swear, something was wrong with that damn contact. Off to bed I go, happy as a clam.

Day 43, June 12th, 2013

*big deep breath in.... and out... * Big day here.. big big big day.

Today is the day I go and get my eyes done. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous but I do think my parents are more anxious/nervous/excited than I am. My dad even was spiffed up (not that it takes much ;)) and my mom was just all over the place (love you mom). Had a shower and off to the city it was.

We get there, have my quick eye exam and than I'm whisked away to the back to be in the dark for the next 3 hours and 45 minutes.

I think they like to torture you before your procedure, I really do. They make you wait forever for things to happen and than when they do, they make you wait even longer.

FINALLY, surgery time. Glasses are gone, freezing drops are in and I meet my surgeon. He drops a bomb on me. I may not be able to get an enhancement surgery after this but he's hoping I heal good enough that I can come back IF needed. So I'm told to lay on the table and I do and told what I'm going to see. All I see is UFO like lights and told to focus on the blinking green light. Two stress balls are placed into each of my hands and than the surgeon tells me he's going to place a thing into my eyes to keep me from blinking... ODD feeling. Remember, focus on the green light. I see lights than I don't see lights than I see lights and informed I would smell a burning hair like smell, which was exactly the smell. Now onto the other eye, which is my left. A little more no lights (this is when they're scratching the surface of my eye, gross, right?) I squeezed the stress ball on my left eye, I think because it took a little bit more time. Surgery done.

Back into darkness. My parents soon join me and I get the ok to go home. Holy crap. I can see but I can't see. Its one of the craziest things. I was reading licence plates and I can't do that on a good day with glasses lol!! So a little snack on the way to Stonewall to get my prescriptions and than off to home it was.

I'm laying in my room and the freezing is coming out and I'm like ok this is ok... 15 minutes or so goes by after the initial freezing comes out and Im starting to panic. I feel this excrutiating amount of pain and I can't handle it anymore. I rush out of my room and my mom is on the phone to my brother and she practically hangs up on him as I'm squeezing the door frame going I'm hurting mom, I need those "gold" drops. She's panicking while going through everything and I'm sitting down in a chair, she gives me a drop in my left eye (which was the one that was crazy hurting) and she's like I"m going to be sick. She sits down, goes in the bathroom, comes out sits down again, head down breating heavily, she's like I"m going to faint as I'm sitting there going, its ok mom, its ok.

It didn't take long for mom to call for dad saying she needs her dad, lol. Poor mom. You did it and I"m thankful! That was the worst of it all. Than dad drugged me up and off to bed I go. Yay for drugs, lmao and sweet boyfriends who call to see if I'm ok. Thanks Jordan <3

Oh and my new nickname is "Mushroom" because I get to live in my room, in the dark for the next week. lol.

Day 42, June 11th, 2013

Well... the storm may have come and gone but the aftermath is still having major side effects. Can't say that any of it makes me happy.

Yesterday, I had a great time at lunch with Kat, Nikki, Colin and Travis! It was much needed and I was very much relaxed after. Thoroughly enjoyed that hour away from work and away from the thoughts in my head.

Last night, we went and seen Epic. Slow start but it started to get really funny and us three girls had some pretty good laughs. It didn't seem too much of a kids movie but it was good.

Today, dad got a phone call and one of our clients mares had a Poco baby! Another one to not be the same as any of the others! I LOVE that! This one is a filly, chesnut in colour with large white stockings. I can't wait to see her for myself! :):)

ONE more sleep until my eyes! Remember, I'm going to be slow on updating my blog so please forgive me!! I'm also not so sure how my photos of the day will be but it shall be interesting! LOL :):) For those that follow this, I won't be able to text/email/check facebook things either, so I'm not ignoring you! Just have to follow the rules so my eyes heal properly!!!!!!

My version of healthy junk food... lol

New nailpolish! yay!

Day 41, June 10th, 2013

I don't know if any words can describe my day so far. Things are falling apart and I can only give so much to keep it together. I'm not even sure if I can take a picture that describes my mood at the moment. Hopefully a ray of sunshine opens up on me and clears these stormy clouds away.

I am looking forward to going out with Kat and Nikki tonight, we're going to see Epic! We're going to the Flick's, hehe cheap movie night! Only a two days until my eyes so I might as well get a movie in before I can't watch tv for a week! :)

Monday, 10 June 2013

Day 40, June 9th, 2013

The big day is finally here and it was a busy one. The car got loaded at home than over to the legion where we put our game plan into action and it turned out amazing. The girls (Tera and Kat) were wonderful and Keitha arrived earlier than expected so that was a huge bonus!! The decorating was done and everyone was ready to go by start time! The decorations ended up being what I had pictured and yes, it was girly but not girly. It was simple, nice and feminine.
Thank you to everyone who came out, she received a lot of amazing gifts. Everything was fantastic! Such a great day, really.

Came back home and found DUCKY!!! Yay!! Welcome to our family :):):) Oh and I'm going to somewhat admit that I have the same problem as my dad. I have a horse addiction. We'll see how this little girl turns out.. I'm reallllly liking her *sigh*

OH and before I forget, this blossom picture is of our nearly 11 year old apple (maybe crab apple??) tree and this is the first time EVER that its bloomed!! How cool!!!

L-R Tera, Myself, Nikki and Kat
The little girl that I really like
Tree blossom

Day 39, June 8th, 2013

Busy busy day. Preparing for shower day!

Jordan and I went to the pit first thing in the morning to see how building was going. Dad was there so Jordan stayed and I went home to get more crafting done. Mom and I accomplished a lot before I had to leave and than I went to Jordan's and baked cupcakes. I was disappointed with how they turned out, they tasted good but the batter wasn't enough and they didn't rise very well so that only meant for more icing! lol
Was glad to be done prepping for the shower though.. only one more sleep and than all the hard work would pay off!!

Day 38, June 7th, 2013

Never look at a rainy morning as a bad day, see the beauty in what it does to your surroundings and you won't feel as bad...

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Day 37, June 6th, 2013

FLUFF day!!

The ladies at work were watching me cut, count, fold and tie all of these things of tissue paper, they asked if they were for them at work and I said no, they're for my shower on Sunday but maybe they could have some when I was done with them. When I got home, I told my mom that I had a project for us and it was a project! I think it took a couple hours to actually fluff around 30 tissue paper balls but they looked awesome when they were done!! Thanks Mom!! (don't mind the noise in the pictures, I didn't focus on any white balances or ISO)

Day 36, June 5th, 2013

FINALLY!!!! I have seen the goslings that I've been waiting for on my way to work! I was running late and I had to stop and see them anyhow!!! The parents went to get real close to the road so I honked and ran out to get photos! They're so cute and no, I didn't get as close to them as it looks, I'm not that dumb, lol!!

Day 35, June 4th, 2013

Last night, we (Jordan and I) added an addition to our horse family.
I'll have pictures of him as soon as he gets home so that everyone can see why his name is what it is.

I'd like to announce the welcome of Ducky to our little herd!!

Remember a little while ago how I wrote that when Jordan and Ducky see eachother, a heart appears, well that's who he got. I think he's pretty pleased!! I am :)

Another exciting moment, I think... THINK I have everything to decorate the shower!!! Now to concentrate on making the decorations!! Only a few more days to go and Nikki will have lots of presents to go home with!

Got home to do crafty decorations only to think, Ok Miss brilliant.. start with crafty projects and than feel you're doing them wrong.. so I sent this picture to my dear friend Lisa to tell me if I'm doing my craftiness correctly and I was! Thanks Lisa! lol :)

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Day 34, June 3rd, 2013

Only a few words can describe my day.

I am completely exhausted.

Had such good intentions and ended with nothing...

maybe tomorrow. LOL